Not a bug

RSA Key won't take

Jeremy Ricketts 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3
On OSX, I tried copying my id_rsa into /ssh within Textastic. I left everything else default. I tried entering my username. I tried entering my server password even though this RSA key doesn't use one. I tried importing my id_rsa.pub instead, but that didn't work. I keep getting "Transfer Error. Wrong passphrase or invalid/unrecognized private key file."

I know this id_rsa works because I use it to SSH into my server via terminal, Transmit FTP, and other applications. Lastly, I tried using some of the other files in my ~/.ssl folder on OSX. Oh, and I also tries using my server's FQDN instead of the IP.

Still get the same message! Any thoughts?

Open In...

KevinMc 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
When I attempt to "Open in..." and select "Pages", the Pages program opens to it's "My Documents" screen, but the file being edited in Textastic never shows up.
Under review

Back to the currently open file

freeranger 9 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1


It would be great if you could with one click get back to the file you currently have open - once you gone into the menu system, say from a OneDrive file I have opened, there is no way to quickly go back to the file apart from navigating to "recent files" or back to the original location - it would be nice to have a single click to "close the menu" and return to the file


Turn off Syntax Highlighting

stargate 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
I would like to see an option for turning off syntax highlighting, to make the editor run at top speed for editing plain TXT files.
This options already exists: just open the File Properties popover and choose the first entry "Plain Text" as the syntax definition for this file.

This disables syntax highlighting.

Concurrent editing

iSee 13 years ago 0
It would be nice, if you could add a mode of editing like in SubEthaEdit. As far as i know, they use an open protocol.

Dear developers please add a Textastic 866 encoding.

SverxV 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 2
I really like to use your program. But not rarely need to open the code written on the PC in the program in which there is Russian text written on the PC 866 in the encoding when you open it in your program text unfortunately distorts that very uncomfortable ... Dear developers please add in 866 Russian Textastic I'm sure the encoding of the Russian users will be very grateful to you.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

word wrap broken

David Edson 11 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1
long lines show as garbled characters for textastic on iphone 4 running ios 7.0.2
email me and ill send screenshot

Auto save and Open In...

Michel Tilman 12 years ago in iPad updated 12 years ago 2

I use Textastic in combination with a small app that I open from within Textastic. The app uploads the file to a server, which processes the file and sends the results back to the app. From within the app I can switch back to Textastic. Changes I made to a file were reflected in the results. This was the case with IOS 5.1.1 on iPad 1. I recently switched to iOS 6.0.1 on iPad 4. Now it seems that Open In... from the toolbar button no longer works as before. Open In... from the list view seems to work, although it looks as if I have to wait a bit (10 seconds between saves?).




Can my wishes come through?

Adrian Hoe 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 4

I am a new user of Textastic and I am glad that it supports Ada. I love the app so far and I load my Ada codes on my iPad now I can read and/or write Ada codes wherever I go.

But I have some wishes and I hope the Textastic developer(s) can realize them.

1.) I wish that Textastic will allow user to customize background and font color. I have been working on black background with amber font color for many many years. I especially like keywords to be Red. This setting soothe my eyes (after many surgeries) very well.

2. I love block cursor. It is more visible to my traumatized eyes.

3. I wish that Textastic  will support Mercurial (and others like SVN etc.) repository check in/out. This will save the troubles transferring files to and from the Mac to check in/out to/from repository.

Thanks in advance for realizing my Textastic wishes. Please continue the good work.


It would be great to add C/C++ compiler to tha app!

keeka 13 years ago 0