Textastic should not be an "Open In" option for PDF files

8track 12 years ago updated by Chris Rowley G 4 years ago 8
Please remove this annoying feature since it prevents me from using "Open In" for more suitable PDF apps. (iOS limits each file type to 10 apps.)
But what if you want to upload that PDF or any other file to the server using Textastic?
That could be handy to have "Open In…" for that.

And what is the reason of keeping 10+ PDF Readers on your iPad?
There are many standard apps that register themselves for "Open In" on PDF files, such as iBooks, Dropbox, Evernote, Notability, and so on.  None of these apps are simply PDF Readers, so your comment about "keeping 10+ PDF Readers on your iPad" is completely off base.

I would rather use an app like GoodReader to upload/download my PDF files since it also provides functionality for the PDF file.  Unfortunately, Textastic can take over GoodReader's spot in the "Open In" menu for PDFs and the only solution is to delete Textastic from your iPad: http://www.goodiware.com/gr-man-trouble.html#notinopenin.  So I have to disagree with your other point as well.

The problem is even worse than Textastic taking over *one* spot in the “Open In” menu (which one can be on the fence about re. upload ability): Textastic introduces a bug in the whole “Open In” system for PDFs – when it is installed, *all* text editors on the iPad suddenly pop up there: Pages, Byword and WritingKit all claim to be able to open PDFs with Textastic installed, which they are not able to, and do not pretend to do otherwise!

Screenshot without Textastic installed: http://cl.ly/FjTF
… and with Textastic installed: http://cl.ly/Fjc3

As far as I can tell, Textastic is messing up the whole Launch Services system by claiming to be able to open *any* file – Pages and co. have also randomly turned up in the “Open In” menu for photos and basically every other binary file along Textastic (not reproducibly so, though, unlike for PDFs).
Well, Textastic tells the system that all the programming files like .html, .cpp etc. are plain text files. Those editors claim that they can open plain text files. That's why they appear in the list.

There are two types of PDF files: binary and plain text. Both have the same extension. Plain text pdf files can be edited in Textastic. I should probably not register pdf files as plain text files though - I will change that in an update.
@Alexander: Textastic also obviously tells te system photos are plain text files, then, because all plain text editors in the system suddenly claim to be able to open those too: http://cl.ly/FjMM – issues goes away with Textastic uninstalled. Seems the boundary between binary and plain text is muddled by it, or, to paraphrase Hamlet: something is rotten in the kingdom of UTImark :).
I added png and jpg files because people wanted to be able to open them in Textastic so they can upload it to a server. Obviously they shouldn't be registered as plain text files. I'll change that.
Currently the "open in" list is completely messed up because of Textastic, many apps are no longer usable. So, sadly I have to delete Textatstic as long as this is not fixed.

According to the pdf standard, all pdf files must be treated as binary files.  This is also what github does.