Import Code from USB

Adam Vandenbussche 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 5
Having the ability to import code from USB key via Camera Connection Kit would be cool.

I know, just an other wako idea from me.

Annoying pop up...

Masaaki Tsukioka 11 years ago in iPad updated 11 years ago 2

It is annoying that this app shows the pop up of Select | Select All | Paste every time moving cursor while writing code. I think those items should be in additional keys instead of showing pop up. Other things are great :)


Textastic Should Have a Lite Version

Mike Wentworth 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 7

Before any consumer purchases something, all "companies" or products should offer a little taste of how the app works and how it feels to have one. Having said that, I was wondering if you had a lite version? I'm an Android user, and I just ordered an iPhone, so I was just curious. 


Where is the documentation for using the textastic:// URL scheme?

Gary V. Vaughan 11 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 6

I'd like to edit my pythonista source files in Textastic, but I can't find the specification for the URL scheme.

If it's not there already, any plans for http://x-callback-url.com/ support?  I'd love to send files to Textastic for editing, and then have them sent back to Pythonista afterwards...


Here's the documentation for the x-callback-url actions that will be supported in Textastic 4.4:



iOS 5.1

Olaf Kolle 12 years ago in iPhone 0

Add support for some more XML file extensions.

Nevets 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 0
Some XML file extensions are not suppoted: wsdl, kml, graphml
Done. Those will be added in the next update.

Lasso 9

Undefined user 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

I would see Lasso 9 in the list of supported languages. In LassoSoft website, you can find language reference. Thank you Alexander, great app!  


Js load image

MATTHEW None 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
Hi, I seem to experiencing issues displaying images from .src using jquery & js.
var _img = document.getElementById('id1');var newImg =newImage; newImg.src ='http://whatever'; newImg.onload =function(){ _img.src =this.src;}


Connect Textastic to localhost on my MacBook Pro

JKB 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

Is there away to connect Textastic to localhost on my MacBook Pro so that I can edit files? 


Writeroom tap-cursor zones plus select gesture

Dave Cross 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4

Loving Textastic. I've found it very easy to use. The shortcut keys along the top have been very useful.

One thing I'm missing is quick cursor movement similar to Writeroom. They use a single-finger tap in a margin to move the cursor one character and two-finger tap to move one word.

I know Texttastic currently doesn't have margins, but this might be something for a future update. You could even take it a step further by adding a select (possibly by holding a single finger in opposite margin while using the writeroom-style gestures).

Just a wish. Thanks for all your hard work.

-Dave C.