
Nicely done.

AChron 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
Mein erster tag mit Textastic. Ausgezeichnete arbeit.

From the content of the forums, I am eagerly awaiting version 2.0. (If the German portion is awful, I blame babelfish...)

Folders to organize connections

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Can we have folders to manage a long connection list? e.g. I might have a folder for client connections and a folder for internal connections.  It would be nice to be able to manage the connections a bit better.

(feature request received by email)

Great :D

Myako Toudai 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 0
Hey Alex,

I know I'm nerving all time with my parser/syntax check ideas. But I've got an iPad2 and Textastic runs very smooth on it. I code on it in javascript and can run it in the internal web engine... very cool and nice for my html 5 game project. :D

Overall it is a really great editor and very well supported by you.
Thank you for that nice piece of software.

Greets Alex (Tapsi)

Edit selects current file

Amafirlian Freaniathem 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4
When selecting 'edit' it would be great if the current file was automatically selected. Especially with long file names (e.g. Created after using the 'textastic:' custom URL scheme) that are only partially visible it is sometimes difficult to find them again (e.g. When using edit to rename them to a shorter file name).

App is crashing every few minutes

Althea Jones 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 8
App is crashing every few minutes, most often when deleting several lines of text by holding down the delete key but also happened when I was simply scrolliing down the code page. I've tried rebootting the ipad but no difference. Had been working fine until recently (I have not updated to the retina-display version, so I'm using the one before that). I've really come to rely on this app for my paying job., so I sincerely hope you can fix this!
I think I found the bug - it was in the code that caches highlighted lines and only occured in files with more than 500 lines. 

It will be fixed in the next update.

Show all whites paces as what they are - non-space whites pace issue.

Martin S. Stoller 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
Great app! One issue though - when I paste code from the iPad integrated email app into Textastic, I sometimes get non-space white spaces, that end up breaking JavaScript or HTML in some browsers. Maybe a feature to see what white spaces are not actually space?


simone ragazzini 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
How can I setup Textastic to SugarSync account?

File permissions

Vicente Silvestre 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
I saw a comment from a year ago with planned support for UNIX file permissions.  Anywhere in sight yet?  I don't even need to change the permissions, but when I sync a folder with Bash o Python scripts which are executable in the Mac and edit them in Textastic they loose their executable bit, which is not nice, specially since some of them need to run from a cron job... It would be nice if you preserved whatever file permissions where there to begin with.

Please add dropbox connectivity, as well as Flex MXML support (can use the same syntax highlighting as HTML)

Dexidus 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
Great product, but it would be nice if I could directly access files in my dropbox (edit/save directly in dropbox, without having to launch dropbox app, browse to file and open in textastic, rather browse dropbox account directly in textastic)

Also, it would be nice if you added native support for Flex 'MXML' files, the syntax can be relatively the same as HTML/xml/as with very minor modifications if any, however direct support for .mxml files would be great.
See comments.

; and : key placement

Robert Saccone 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
For those us using Objective-C and C/C++ placing the ';' and ':' keys near the braces and bracket keys in the top row of the keyboard would make for better flow and productivity when typing.