Edit selects current file
When selecting 'edit' it would be great if the current file was automatically selected. Especially with long file names (e.g. Created after using the 'textastic:' custom URL scheme) that are only partially visible it is sometimes difficult to find them again (e.g. When using edit to rename them to a shorter file name).
Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
before you tap on the "Edit" button in the Files section, the current file should be marked blue. This allows you to see which one is the current file, doesn't it?
Amafirlian Freaniathem 13 years ago
Yes, but if your file is in a list of files with similar starting names, and you press edit, it still is difficult to focus on 'the file that was blue before. You pressed edit'. I figure that usually when using the edit, it is to rename or move the currently open file anyway, hence the enhancement request.
Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
Apple's Mail app shows a light blue background for the current mail but doesn't select it when you tap on the "Edit" button. I think this would be a good solution. I'll consider adding this.
Amafirlian Freaniathem 13 years ago
Excellent idea! Thanks for considering this!
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