
Just amazing!

Smet_IOS 14 years ago 0
I just have to say that Textastic is absolutely amazing. By far the best code app for any mobile app hands down.

Thank you so much for creating this.

One different idea on version controll

Fexxel 13 years ago updated by Myako Toudai 13 years ago 4
I just thought about a totally different idea how version controll could be implemented, without any problems with ssh and or licenses.
There will be a Mac and Windows App on your computer, where the version controll you are using is already installed. Then the textastic app is comunicating with this app over WiFi.
Textastic itself would only need to have the following options:
- create a connection to the Mac or PC app.
- have a button to commit and push changes. This would transfer one or all changes files to your computer and finally it will be commited, pushed or whatever from there.
- when opening a file in Textastic that's on your computer, it'll ask the computer to pull changes from a server and then copy the changes files onto your iPad.
This would be very simple without any big problems. Most developers have a 24 hour server anyway, and if you really want to use this feature over 3G either the computer app supports this filesharing through the interrnet or a vpn connection can be created by the user.
All this is resulting a very simple app, without the need to have native ssh support and a terminal etc. to display output. For the users they will only have 3 buttons, push, pull, commit (regardless of what Version Controll they are using) and without any setup on the iPad except for the connection to your computer.

Custom syntax colors How-To

Une Ulv 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 5
Hello, I like Textastic and have been using it with regular text (no programing language). I really very much want to use the custom syntax feature and have been trying to define a theme for this with Textmate (a program I do not normally use). Without any success. Therefore, for us naive non-code writing people (yes we exist): would it be possible to provide an easy to follow guide building the required files? For instance, just how to achieve highlighting of the word "aword" in Textastic->steps in Textmate (I did made a folder, added a language and defined a keyword and did try to select from that source in the theme editor but it just did not work...), files to export and import into Textastic, and setting this as a default for all texts.
Would be very amazing!

Scroll with keyboard opened

Vitaly Ishkulov 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3
When the keyboard is on screen you can scroll the document even if there are less code lines than full screen (so that there's no reason for scroll).

To reproduce:
1) Create new document (like with HTML 5 template).
2) Tap somewhere to open keyboard.
3) You can scroll now.

Language live parser/ syntax check

Myako Toudai 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
I know textastic has an firebug integration, but this is really unusable. Why?
1. You need an active internet connection tomload it
2. You only can load it after the pagenhas loaded, so page errors aren't easy to find again

Why not add a syntax check feature to testastic like a javascript based, customize able parser. Or if this makes to much work, why not output the messages of the webkit engine ( it must accessable ) on an oberlay panel ( activateable )?

connect to dropbox using HTTPS connection

joy cooket 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 9
HTTPS connection is more safer. I wanna have a option that I can use HTTPS connection.
because dropbox is blocked in some place if HTTP connection is used, like China...

Can I import from FileZilla FTP accounts.

Steven Cayla [ FR ] 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3
Can I import from FileZilla FTP accounts.
Thank you for your work

Bug in PHP code completion

Ramon Hackbarth 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
When starting PHP-Code with <?php code-completion likes to insert an php-function starting with php_ ... 
Under review

External Keyboard Causes 'Select Select All Paste' pop-up

Keith Rowland 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 0

When I have the Apple Bluetooth keyboard connected, more than half of the times, when I pick a file in the file browser, the file appears, but the 'Select Select All Paste' popup appears, and I have to dismiss it to begin typing.

I don't know if this is a texttastic issue or a iOS issue. But I've not had the popup appear on any other app yet.


Buttons rearrangment

Yun-Xin Fu 14 years ago 0
File transfer, setup buttons are often used, would be best leaved permanently on the top bar to minimize the keys pressed