Your comments

Hello, the "Open…" command invokes the iOS document picker. When you select OneDrive from the list of file providers, the UI you see is actually provided by Microsoft's OneDrive app, not by Textastic. It seems like the OneDrive file provider extension doesn't know how to handle .php files.

So I'm sorry, but this problem can only be fixed by the OneDrive app.

This was possible with Textastic 5.3.1 and earlier, but since I released Textastic 6 as a new app, it doesn't allow you to download versions earlier than Textastic 6.0, so it only works with iOS 9 and later.

I'm pretty sure this didn't happen in earlier macOS versions, but I can see this problem here, too.

You can already do that: open the JavaScript file and show the web preview. Then tap on the address bar, enter the path of the HTML file and press Enter on the virtual keyboard.

From now on, Textastic will show the HTML file when you open the preview of the JavaScript file.

Thanks for letting me know!

On which iPhone model does this happen? Did you see any pattern when this happens? Which buttons exactly (below the file list? below the editor? below the "Local Files"/"iCloud" selection?)

I use the app myself every day and haven't notice this so far, so any additional info helps.