Your comments

Ok, no, this is currently just a regular file listing. I'll consider adding upload functionality there.

The Upload button is under Local Files in the bottom toolbar. It has been there for many versions/years. This is not a new feature in Textastic 6.

This is how it looks on iPhone - it's similar on iPad:

You need to select local files before the button becomes active.

This is already possible if both devices are in the same Wifi network:

  • on device A, start Textastic's WebDAV server:
  • on device B, use Textastic's WebDAV client to connect to the WebDAV server on device A:
    • tap on the file transfer button (globe icon)
    • tap on the "+" button and choose "WebDAV Connection"
    • enter the WebDAV url of device A and enter the user name and password
    • tap Done
    • connect to the WebDAV server and navigate to the target folder
    • select the local files you want to upload
    • tap the Upload button

I hope this helps

Well, with Split View on iPad Air 2/iPad Pro and Textastic 6, this is already possible:

You can tap on the action button in the top right corner in Textastic and select "Preview in Safari". This will start a web server and open the file in Safari. You can then use Split View multitasking to put Textastic side-by-side to Safari.

Also, in the built-in web preview, you can change the file path in the address field. Say, when you are previewing /myproject/example.js you can change it to /myproject/index.html and hit return. Textastic will save that change.

Ah, ok. So the problem is that the popover gets transformed into a full-screen view controller...

I'll have to investigate if this is fixable. Do you have a small sample website that you can share with me so I can reproduce it easily?

You should be able to drag down the the web view, so that the toolbar re-appears. Does this not work in your case?

Google Drive remote connections are now supported in Textastic 6.1.

I see. I thought that in this case the latest version would appear as an update in the App Store, but apparently this is not the case.

Well, what you can try to do is to go to Local Files in Textastic 5, tap on the Edit button, select all files and tap on the "Zip" button. You can then tap and hold the created .zip file and choose "Open in…" to copy it to Textastic 6 (as seen here: There you can unzip the .zip file by tapping on it.

This won't migrate the remote connections though.

That's weird. You could try to download Texastic 5.3.1 from iTunes on a computer and sync that to your device. See for details on where to find that in iTunes.

5.1.1 is a pretty old version. I'm wondering why this wasn't updated earlier?