Your comments

It works just the same in Textastic 5.3.1. Textastic 6 is not required.

You should see a folder called "Textastic" in iCloud Drive on your Mac, on the Web at and in the iCloud Drive app on your iOS device. Files in this folder will show up in the "iCloud" location (below "Local Files") in Textastic for iOS. Files you put there will be automatically synced to all your devices that are logged in to the same iCloud Drive account.

Yes, the font has no bold variant.

Please rename the file from "pm.JSON" to "pm.json" (lower case file extension) and it should work.

I just tried your file and it actually works for me:

Did you put the file in the correct folder? It should be in "Local Files/#Textastic/CodeCompletion" as seen in the screenshot.

I've looked at parinfer, but I'm afraid that this feature would be way too specific and would only benefit a very small number of users, sorry. Maybe your idea gets more votes here, let's see.


payment is handled by Apple. You can go to and request a refund for Textastic from Apple.

But, maybe I can help you first? What are you trying to do?

Best regards,

Alexander Blach

Ok, no, this is currently just a regular file listing. I'll consider adding upload functionality there.

The Upload button is under Local Files in the bottom toolbar. It has been there for many versions/years. This is not a new feature in Textastic 6.

This is how it looks on iPhone - it's similar on iPad:

You need to select local files before the button becomes active.

This is already possible if both devices are in the same Wifi network:

  • on device A, start Textastic's WebDAV server:
  • on device B, use Textastic's WebDAV client to connect to the WebDAV server on device A:
    • tap on the file transfer button (globe icon)
    • tap on the "+" button and choose "WebDAV Connection"
    • enter the WebDAV url of device A and enter the user name and password
    • tap Done
    • connect to the WebDAV server and navigate to the target folder
    • select the local files you want to upload
    • tap the Upload button

I hope this helps