Under review

Markdown preview and export

teddyalf 8 years ago updated by Peter Anderson 8 years ago 4


Is there a way to preview and then export as html/pdf a mk file?

There is currently no built-in Markdown preview in Textastic for Mac, but the app works great with Marked 2: http://marked2app.com

Just drag the file icon from Textastic window title bar onto Marked 2's Dock icon to preview it.

Marked 2 is a nice MultiMarkdown file viewer but it has a really annoying habit of opening every file TWICE! I have reported this several times and it seems this has been an issue for several years. The developer's response is "I can't replicate this problem (so by inference it does not exist)!"

I am using MultiMarkdown Composer and ByWord.

It would be really nice if the macOS version of Textastic could preview Markdown files like the iOS version.



Under review

Hmm, this never happened to me either. How are you opening the file in Marked 2? I always drag a file from somewhere on Marked 2's Dock icon.


I've owned Marked 2 for quite a while. For some unknown reason it's file opening behaviour changed. From it's install I set Marked as the default file for opening Markdown documents. At first it just worked as you expect; double click on a Markdown file and it opens in Marked. Then for absolutely no reason the double click causes TWO instances of the file to open. It seems that others have the same problem going back several years. The developer seems unable to resolve it.

I have changed over to MultiMarkdown Composer and find it Ok, not quite as good as Marked was.

