Your comments

This is a problem when opening files from Google Drive using the "Open…" command in Textastic. This invokes the iOS document picker and uses the Google Drive file provider extension of the Google Drive app. Unfortunately, the Google Drive app has some bugs regarding handling of file extension that it doesn't know.

Instead, please use the remote transfer screen: tap on the "globe" button in Textastic and create a new Google Drive connection. You can then download and upload files using this connection. It also allows you to download whole directory trees.

Try to use replace instead of append. You can find an example at

{ "string": "forin", "replace": "for (${1:variable} in ${2:object}) {\n\t$0\n}" },

Textastic does have support for YAML syntax highlighting. You can select the YAML syntax definition in the File Properties popover if it isn't selected automatically.

Not yet, sorry.

It works just the same in Textastic 5.3.1. Textastic 6 is not required.

You should see a folder called "Textastic" in iCloud Drive on your Mac, on the Web at and in the iCloud Drive app on your iOS device. Files in this folder will show up in the "iCloud" location (below "Local Files") in Textastic for iOS. Files you put there will be automatically synced to all your devices that are logged in to the same iCloud Drive account.

Yes, the font has no bold variant.

Please rename the file from "pm.JSON" to "pm.json" (lower case file extension) and it should work.

I just tried your file and it actually works for me:

Did you put the file in the correct folder? It should be in "Local Files/#Textastic/CodeCompletion" as seen in the screenshot.

I've looked at parinfer, but I'm afraid that this feature would be way too specific and would only benefit a very small number of users, sorry. Maybe your idea gets more votes here, let's see.