Your comments

I'm curious: what do you use the symlinks for in your project?

I can confirm that the stable channel of Firebug Lite does not currently work in Textastic 6 on my iPad.

But, when I open the website in Safari on my Mac, I have the same problem: there is Firebug Lite at the bottom of the screen, but it doesn't respond to mouse clicks.

So it looks to me like this is a bug in the current "stable" version of Firebug Lite.

The good news is: the "debug" channel works! If I use this markup instead, it does work for me:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Hello, you can add custom syntax definitions to Textastic by using TextMate bundles. See

It looks like it is possible to convert TextMate bundles to Atom packages (see, but there currently seems to be no tool to convert from an Atom package back to a TextMate bundle.

It should be possible to do this by hand though, since it's basically just a different file format (property list instead of CSON).