
iCloud Drive support

Kenta Kubo 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 3

Is Textastic going to support iCloud Drive?

Satisfaction mark by Kenta Kubo 8 years ago

Textastic has already supported Document Picker. Please feel free to close this thread.

Textastic fully supports iCloud Drive: if you store files in "iCloud" instead of "Local Files", files will be automatically synced across your devices.

In the iCloud Drive app or in Finder on macOS, you will find these files in the "Textastic" subfolder of iCloud Drive.

You can also use "Open…" to invoke the iOS document picker and open files from other apps including iCloud Drive. The document picker also allows you to pick whole folders from apps like the Git client Working Copy: http://blach.io/2016/08/02/opening-git-repository-folders-in-textastic-6-2/