

Ivan Seidel 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Be able to for every extenssion type, or language, to create own shortcuts like "

Code completion for different languages

Chris Howard 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 6
Hi Alexander - any chance of adding code completion for different languages. I use HADOOP at work and would like to be able to add PIG, HIVE, JAQL support. I can create the schema templates if there was a way to add them.

Markdown preview

Rui Carmo 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 11
You could include discount (http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/) and use it to render a Markdown preview. It lacks Markdown Extra features like footnotes, but covers all of standard Markdown syntax and can easily be merged with Objective-C.
Please add any features (like custom style sheets for preview) you would like to see.

I'd like to know how you use Markdown in your workflow.

Guys, please make the jump and give us WYSIWYG editing

Peter Payne 12 years ago in iPad updated by StefanD. 7 years ago 1

I know I seem like a n00b by asking for this but there are NO good options for editing an existing HTML file in iOS. The reason I need to this is, I am a writer (not a HTML programmer) and need an environment where I can write my update posts and debug everything before it's uploaded as HTML to our website. Please give us this option? It would be greatly appreciated.


More emacs shortcuts

Paul Durao 9 years ago updated by Jeff Smith 9 years ago 1

thought we should have more emacs short cuts and features


Firebug in HTML Preview!

Christian Sonntag 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3

Is it possible to configure Firebug to be active from the beginning of the HTML preview. I have the problem that some console logs are not be displayed at the start because Firebug has to be activated manually. Did i miss something?

Textastic is really amazing!!!!




SVG Syntax Highlighting

8track 14 years ago 0
Currently the user can select HTML or XML or Javascript from the Syntax Definition popover. But SVG usually involves tags and Javascript, so it would be nice to have a mixture of these highlighting rules. In particular, inside of <script> tags it should highlight for Javascript and outside it should highlight for tags. (Maybe this suggestion would also make sense for regular HTML with Javascript.) At the very least, Textastic should have an SVG entry in that popover and apply some kind of highlighting by default (probably XML). Thanks!

Quickly setup a connection by using an URL

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Support connecting to a remote server using an external link, like sftp://username:password@hostname.com/initial/remote/path/.  It would be nice if these connections would open your app and setup the connection for me.  For example we might have links like this in our internal web sites.

(feature request received by email)

Ability to move files on an FTP server from one directory to another

Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago in General updated by 12 years ago 1

Currently, you can't move files on the server directly, but you can download files locally and then upload them to another directory. Add the ability to move files directly on the server without a download.


Connection Bookmarks (save several paths of a connection to quickly switch between)

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Could we also have bookmarks for the connections?  For example, I have a connection where I might be at /httpd/example.com/public_html/ at the initial login.  However I wish to also bookmark a folder location at /var/other/long/remote/path/ that I switch between often.  These bookmarks could be nested under the one connection, rather than creating a connection for each different folder path.

(this feature request was received by email)