Markdown preview

It still needs some more work, but you can now do a web preview of the markdown file and even mail the file as html body.
What do *you* use Markdown for?
Anything you want to see implemented in particular?
Currently I don't apply any CSS to the preview which makes the fonts rather large...
Also, there is no syntax highlighting of markdown files yet – but I'm not sure if this is even needed.

I would like to see a couple options for applying CSS to the preview, say using sans-serif fonts or serif fonts, different families, etc. The app MarkdownNote does this very well. This is a 'must have' feature. The standard webkit HTML styles are painful to look at for very long.
Another option I'd like is live preview, ala MarkdownNote app. It's nice to have a side-by-side like that, but it's not necessary. Label this a 'nice to have' feature.
I do make good use of Markdown Extras, so if you could ever implement those in the preview you'd be a Hero. I don't think anyone has managed that yet on the iPad. This is another 'nice to have' for the vast majority of users, I'm sure.
I would like syntax highlighting. I implemented that in TextMate to make my life easier. It's certainly not needed, but my eyes prefer a difference in color for, for lack of a better way to say it, formatting vs text. This is again a 'nice to have' feature for the vast majority of users. Some may not even want it at all, so it should be a toggle item if you ever do implement it.
How do I use Markdown? Well, I use it all over the place. I use it for my blog posts, for developer notes, task descriptions, and so much more. On my company blog, we have implemented a Markdown editor with live preview in PHP, so I mostly stick to using our built page, but for my personal blog, our developer/support site, and a few other places I use Markdown, I use an editor to type it al up and preview it, then copy/paste into the appropriate web form where it gets parsed on view.
There is one instance where being able to FTP the file straight from Textastic would save a lot of work. I should also mention that while I'm creating/editing theses files, I keep them stored in Dropbox so I'm in sync no matter what device I have at hand for editing at the time. I go back and forth between my iPad, iMac, and MacBook. Dropbox is a godsend for that.
Clear as mud? ;)

My usage of Markdown is fairly wide-ranging, but I do tend to create fairly complex documents in it, so syntax highlighting is pretty much essential - that's why I use TextMate for writing.
In terms of quantity, most of my Markdown output goes to my web site - I fish out a small template with 5 or so lines of headers and metadata (by the way, a shortcut for inserting the current date in YYYY-MM-DD format would be nice), type up a post adding mnemonic references to links I need to add and footnotes (hence my interest in Markdown Extra, which supports the [^1] notation for footnotes) and finish off by filling in both links and footnotes at the bottom and uploading the file (incidentally, I use .txt, and post to my site directly via Dropbox).
As to stylesheets, I could live just fine with it being a "special" CSS file inside Textastic - it is, after all, a programmer's editor... :)

I'd like to know how you use Markdown in your workflow.

I use markdown combined with HTML/js to render data & content loaded dynamically from other sites. Currently I use the pagedown web app for markdown, and this can be done easily by proxying AJAX requests to a remote couchdb server using node.js; however, on textastic, that is not possible due to cross-domain restrictions, what would be amazing is to have HTTP proxy is working inside Textastic to allow for cross-domain XMLHttpRequest Calls, then I would certainly buy the app.

Do you have any example code that doesn't currently work in Textastic? That would make it much easier for me to support this.

Thanks Alex; I simply assumed, as it doesn't work on Windows without serious modifications & it is not an advertised feature of textastic to have disabled the same-origin policy (perhaps I missed it). I use markdown combined with jQuery to produce statistical reports.
Here is a simplest example of the kind of code I want to be able to use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"> </script>
<div id="test"></div>
<div id="test2"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
", function(x) { $("#test").html("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(x) + "</pre>"); });
$.getJSON("http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=LFtDHHMs3BG_Un2LJhOy0Q&_render=json", function(x) { $("#test2").html("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(x) + "</pre>"); });
Also, the ability to export the Preview in PDF would be helpful, as this is taken for granted on a PC, not sure if this is possible in Textastic.
P.S. I just tested this code on the free Nocs markdown editor and it seems to WORK!! shocking ... they offer exporting the HTML but does not offer exporting PDF, which is a shame as the HTML does not render properly on PC and the eventual purpose is to be able to print out the view to share with others in a meeting.

$.getJSON is working, silly me; however, general XMLHttpRequest still does not work due to the same origin restriction. For example, to make edits to a remote couchdb. The window.create & bSave function did not work in MobileSafari or Nocs.
var host = "https://aa.iriscouch.com";
var dbname= "super"
window.create = function(dbname) {
return $.ajax({
type: "PUT",
url: "" + window.host + "/" + dbname,
success: function(json) {
return alert(JSON.stringify(json), {
error: (function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
return alert("XMLHttpRequest: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\nTextStatus : " + textStatus + "\nError Thrown: " + errorThrown);
var bSave = function (dbname, jsonTable) {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", host + dbname + '/_bulk_docs');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
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I'd like to know how you use Markdown in your workflow.