
Optionally show symbols list in left hand pane

Jan Jakob Bornheim 12 years ago in iPad 0

It would be great to switch the content of the left hand pane to display the go-to symbols of the currently open file rather than the file list. I realise I can see the symbols list as a hover-over list by touching the symbol but if attached to the left pane it could be permanently open while I have the iPad in landscape mode. 


Preview for Themes/ Specify syntax highlight colors?

Read Frost 13 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 0
I would love to be able to match the highlight colors to my desktop code editor so that I can eliminate any confusion. Also, while looking for a theme with similar colors I found it redundant to tap options, scroll to themes, select them, tap back, tap done, and then find that the theme I chose was not my favorite, and repeat. Still great app!

Good point.

Under review

Mount remote directory over ssh

Okev 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 weeks ago 6
Would be useful for development where you need to use a remote server.
Instead of checking files in/out over SFTP, I'd like to suggest mounting a remote folder locally.
What this means is that I can access any random file within the directory and when the file is saved, it's automatically pushed to the remote server without any other operations

This means that
- I can run it from my own flavour of web server - PHP, etc
- I can use GIT or SVN

Bonus points for allowing any web page open in the web preview window and an SSH shell :)

This may go against the philosophy of "Build everything into the one app", so I'd like to point that out upfront. I still think that the remote workflow support would be extremely useful.

Actually, this is already possible using the app Secure ShellFish which allows you to access SSH/SFTP servers as folders in the Files app. You can add those folders as external folders to Textastic and open and edit the files as if they were local.

Under review

Have dark themes change the top bar that's visible during editor to be darker/user customizable.

Jason Marsh 12 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

Subject pretty much says it all, I think the app is great as it is but when using a dark theme the brightness of that lone bar up top is a bit distracting - perhaps it could be adjusted in tone or something?  Thanks :)


Using TAB key on selected lines of codes…

iSpikeyBoy 14 years ago 0
It'd be nice if you'd add a feature where you can add tab to a selected lines of code without having to move your cursor to the beginning of a line and push TAB on the virtual keyboard. It gets tiresome when you have to do that on like 10 + lines of code. Also, it'd be nice if you'd also add another feature where it'd allow us to remove the tab beside a selected lines of code.
Under review

Textile support?

EricK 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 3
THanks for the app, I can stop writing my own now. I would like to request support for textile files that end in .textile. The syntax highlighting is similar to markdown.

A shortcut to save/upload your current file

Pepo Lucio 13 years ago updated by Cameron Roe 3 years ago 1
Will be great to save and upload your files just pressing "cmd + s" on my bluetooth keyboard.

Please add Julia to the list of supported languages

Richard Bailey 11 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 4
Lots of users - this would be very much appreciated!
Excellent app, by the way!!
Under review

Can add bluetooth keyboard page up/ page down support ?

Lai ChuJiang 11 years ago updated by Peter Lerner 4 years ago 10
Can add bluetooth keyboard page up/ page down support ? it's very useful on code view/edit.


Julian Meier 13 years ago 0
Compiling Objective-C, C, C++ etc... That would be great ;)