
Multi-Cursor, Go To Line and Move Line Up or Down

Anthony Mays 4 years ago updated by ROP 4 years ago 1

I use Atom and Jetbrains editors and the above features are hard to live without once you have gotten used to having them. Textastic is an incredible app.  I have look at other editors for the iPad that have the above features but they fail at so many important things like local file-remote file or publishing with Working Copy or having the ability to open an SSH Connection.

I think have Multi-Cursor (multi-caret), go to a line number and move code line up or down would make textastic virtually unbeatable.

Thank you guys for a great app otherwise.

Under review

Keep ssh sessions alive

Cim 5 years ago in iPad updated by Vadas Daniel 5 years ago 6

I’ve checked the app settings and found nothing on there. Any way to keep the sessions alive?

Under review

.vue file syntax highlight

Aleksandr 7 years ago in General updated by Jeremy Dillworth 5 years ago 3

Is it possible to get a syntax hightlight in `.vue` files? 

A typical vuejs component file consist of:

<template></template> // html goes here

<script>export default{} </script> // javascript goes here

<style></style> // CSS goes here.

Is this possible? Every .vue file must have at least <style> tag. (Although for such a simple file we can just use html highlight). 


tree structure viewer NEEDED

Stardrive Engineering 13 years ago 0
Just uploaded my codebase to Textastic to see how it navigates the files. It looks like a tree view of the complete structure of files in sub folders is missing. My codebase is structured into several folder levels so it is a pain to have to poke through it all with the limited file browser Textastic comes with. A nice file tree with folding and flattening is needed to keep sane while using Textastic!
Under review

Support encypting files individually by password

Peter Hunkeler 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
The last time this seems to have been discussed is three or more years ago. So I thought I might start a new thread.

I'm looking for a way to keep some highly sensitive information on my iPad. I'm thinking about files being encrypted by an individual password on the iPad from within Textastic. The file should be encrypted when it its closed (probably asks for an explicit "close the file now" button). The password must be entered to decrypt the file when it is opened in Textastic. Encrypted files would stay encrypted even when sent to other places (cloud, mail, dropbox, WebDav, etc.). 


Add a solarized visual theme

Rui Carmo 14 years ago updated by Joel Gillman 14 years ago 1
Here's a thought: I've been using the Solarized visual theme (either dark or light) in terminals and editor windows, and it is simply awesome.

Why not add it to Textastic?


Search and search/replace history

Pedro Brandao 12 years ago in General updated by Arsastronautica 5 years ago 3

Oftentimes you want to use a previously used regular expression; other times you might have been working on a complex regular expression and want to go back working on it; or perhaps you were searching for specific phrases and the app crashed before you could find what you wanted.  For these (and doubtless other) reasons, it would be very useful to have a history on the search and search/replace text fields.


Auto-fill Doctype, Unicode, and Auto-Complete closing tags

Israel Collazo 14 years ago 0
This app would be A+ if it had the ability to auto-fill the doctype and unicode when selecting html4, html5, xhtml, etc...

I hope future update will have the ability for auto-complete closing tags.

What's new in Textastic 4.0?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 10
  • Code Completion for HTML, CSS, and PHP functions
  • New row of additional keys: all special characters are available by swiping over the keys
  • Find and replace now supports regular expressions
  • Web preview: 
    • You can now enter a remote url for each file
    • For local files, you can choose a different file for preview (e.g. an HTML file when you preview CSS files)
    • Firebug Lite integration
    • Added back and forward buttons and website title.
  • Indent and unindent code by selecting multiple lines and using the tab and untab keys
  • Improved text selection: you can now double-tap and drag to select text
  • Templates for HTML files
  • Faster startup time and many other improvements
Version 4.0
Textastic 4.0 is now available on the App Store!
Under review

Add the possibility to change line spacing/leading

SvenB 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
The possibility to change the line spacing (e.g. in simple, one digit steps between 1.0 and 1.5) would be great for making code more readable.