
Web preview fullscreen mode.

Smet_IOS 14 years ago in General updated by Jarrod Oberto 13 years ago 1
I have found the web preview in Textastic to be perfect. I have discovered it will even play local mp4 files so I can create video portfolio websites that will play local HD files through HTML5 so I don't have to worry about an internet connection. The only thing that would make this even more perfect is having a full screen mode with the web preview. Then it would truly make a perfect presentation mode that will be able to play anywhere regardless of signal. Perhaps a 5 finger tap could exit fullscreen mode.

AsciiDoc markup syntax highlight

Pavel Holoborodko 13 years ago updated by Eric Pierre 7 years ago 6
I've seen few suggestions on text markup highlighting here already. 
But cannot resist to propose AsciiDoc to be considered too. 

It seems to be the most complete, supported and allowing conversion in all possible formats DocBook, etc, etc...

More sophisticated code completion

Honza Mikeš 13 years ago updated by Roman Revyakin 11 years ago 4 5 duplicates
I like the code completion, but there is it only for functions.

What about to add code completion of user made variables, user created functions (not only have them in the list) and for example completion of class attributes and methods.

For example when user type $t in the class method, it can show $this->var1, $this->var2, or when user have instance instanceName of some class and type for example $inst, then it shows $instanceName->method1()... I think you know what I mean.

And I think it would be great to see parametres and return type of functions as shown in documentation, for example int strncmp(string $str1, string $str2, int $len) above or under the function when I am writing it. Not always, but maybe after pressing some key...?


What's new in Textastic 5.0?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago in iPad updated 11 years ago 1
  • new user interface designed to match iOS 7
  • added syntax definitions for Arduino, Batch files, Clojure, Fountain, and Go
  • UI themes: blue, gray, and black
  • dark keyboard support
  • new external keyboard shortcuts:
    • Cmd-N: create new file/folder
    • Cmd-F: toggle find/replace
    • Cmd-W: close current file
    • Alt-Cmd-P: toggle preview
    • Alt-Cmd-I: toggle file properties popover
    • Alt-Cmd-T: toggle symbol list popover
    • Alt-Cmd-Up Arrow: upload current file
    • Alt-Cmd-Down Arrow: download current file
    • Cmd-I: toggle italics (works in Markdown and HTML files)
    • Cmd-B: toggle boldface (works in Markdown and HTML files)
    • Cmd-U: toggle underline (works in HTML files)
  • redesigned theme selection:
    • There’s now a preview image on the left side of each theme. This is generated on demand using the current font settings and also works with custom themes.
    • Changed sort order: light themes are now displayed before dark themes.
  • added an option to hide the column/line information
  • Textastic now clears the url cache when the application starts. This allows you to clear outdated server responses when using the remote preview feature by restarting the app.
  • updated TextExpander SDK - you can now refresh snippets from the settings screen
  • updated Dropbox SDK
  • fixed a regular expression search issue when searching for escaped strings like “\n”
  • fixed crashes that could happen when a hardware keyboard is used
  • fixed VoiceOver issues
  • fixed line ending issues when sending text files as an email attachment
  • many, many other minor bug fixes
Version 5.0

Customize Additional Rows of Keys

Turing Eret 12 years ago in iPhone 0

The additional row of keys is very nice, but it would be great if you could configure them further for different languages. For example, in Haskell, I have little need for the ';', but a much greater need for ':', so it would make sense if that were the center character. Additionally, it'd be nice to have the ability to add character combinations in those additional keys. To use Haskell again, inserting "->" or "::" with a single keystroke would be very nice.

Under review

Rust syntax highlighting

farcaller 11 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1
Having at least basic rust syntax highlighting would be awesome.

EncFS support

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Support EncFS http://www.arg0.net/encfs to access encrypted files from Textastic.
Under review

Trim trailing whitespace

jsageryd 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 5
I would like an option to trim trailing whitespace. It would be nice if this could trigger automatically at some point. I am used to Sublime and vim trimming on save; perhaps a keyboard shortcut could work.

iOS app iCloud support

Mark Mullin 12 years ago updated by anonymous 12 years ago 4 1 duplicate

It would be great if the iOS app had iCloud support as well to link it back to the new mac app, making coding sharing even better. 

Under review

More keyboard combinations!

Aleksandar Palic 12 years ago in iPad updated by Brian Bragg 9 years ago 5

Is it possible to add a more event listeners for external keyboards? Maybe something like cmd+tab to switch between recent files so one don't has to move away his hand from the keyboard for switching. Would improve production significantly.