Under review

Add Copy with Edit -> Select -> Move

Lars 1 year ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 1 year ago 1

In the Edit -> Select -> Move action please add a Copy option as well. 

It would help a lot. 


Critical bug when pasting Python code - tabs & spaces are added to last line

Freemen Muaddib 1 year ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 1 year ago 3

This is a serious and nasty bug. It should be addressed ASAP!  It messed up my code creating almost impossible to find bugs. In Python tabs and spaces indentation are syntax after all! It took me a while to track it!

This is what happens when you copy/paste certain Python code:

Image 530


Show numbers of selected lines or characters

Jean-Luc Pidieu 1 year ago in iPad 0

On the top-right corner of the editor, we can see our current line and column. It would be better if it includes how many lines or characters the user has selected.

From the screenshot below for example, if one selected 100 lines, it can display as "Line: 6855 (100)", to indicate that the user has currently selected 100 lines.

There's a similar behaviour at the bottom bar of CotEditor on macOS, which is my daily driver for text editing on my Mac.

Image 528


ssh terminal - Theme

Jiri Dudek 2 years ago in iPad updated 2 years ago 0

hello, is there any way how to add custom ssh terminal theme ?


Testing out ony new ipad and it wont show a jpg file using the html img tag?

Alan Craig 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

When Using web preview or open in safari, my index.html wont show images using the <img> tag



XSY 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

What should I do if I can't recover the document? I'm just leaving for a while. I want to undo it. I can't revoke it. I can't recover it. What should I do? Ask online. It's urgent.


support for javascript es2021

Anthony Pace 2 years ago in iPad 0

I would be really really useful to have the keywords updated, and absolutely lovely to have it go several symbols deep.

e.g. if I type document.get

I am given getElementById(), which is great.  But, if I type:

var c = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = c.get

it would be extremely useful to have it give me the suggestion for:


Now, that would just be a simple keyword update, and it would be extremely helpful to me to have all the updated keywords for get___ and object types such as Uint32Array

Not having these is a complete pain.

If you have a file with keywords, that you could send me, to allow me to do a custom update, I would do it, to save myself tons of time while coding.

Otherwise, if there is already a package or file with updated definitions that exists already, and you can provide instructions to update textastic so I could use it on my IPAD, it would be extremely helpful and appreciated.

Under review

"Unable to extract public key" when using an SSH key with a passphrase

deviantintegral 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 5

When trying to use an ed25519 SSH key with a passphrase, I get the following error:


ERROR: Public key authentication failed: Unable to extract public key from private key fil
e: Wrong passphrase or invalid/unrecognized private key file format


I found https://feedback.textasticapp.com/communities/1/topics/2571-error-reading-ssh-private-key, but a key with the newer format but without a passphrase worked fine.

Any suggestions?

Under review

Why is it so hard to console.log JS projects?

os512 2 years ago in iPad updated 2 years ago 2

I bought the Textastic app for IPad years ago. Actually, I don't use it because of the fact, that I have to do at least 3 touches to get to the output of the console.log:

1. I'm in a JS file and want to console.log something

2. I need to change the focus of the editor to a HTML file embedding the JS file to do so

3. I have to touch the glasses icon on the right top to get to a browser view

4. I have to touch the console icon on the left top to finally see the output.

Not only that this is so tedious, but also unintuitive since you always jump from one area to another one of the app during the whole process. It feels like I have to get me through the whole process just like I never did it before, because my eyes always need to scan, where exactly I have to land my finger touches on the screen..just as if I'm doing it the first time..again and again.

I really like the overall concept of the app, but developing / debugging JS projects is due to this issue a bit pita for me. Why is this so complicated to get the console at hands in Textastic? 

Please, consider to make the developing / debugging process more convenient for JS devs by move the console view to a place in the editor just one click away. This would make Textastic the best code editor choice on iOS..at least for me :)


Textastic closes the file when it's updated on server

ssaguiar2 2 years ago in iPad 0

I started using Textastic and I am loving it.

I have a problem though:

When I open a file from my pcloud server, in my computer and in my iPad (using Textastic in iPad), the text will be the same at both sides.

When I modify the text in iPad side, the computer editor updates the file's text without any problem.

When I modify the text on computer side, when the Textastic try to update the text on iPad, it closes it (closes the text).

Is there any configuration to enable such automatic update?
