
Integrate C/C++ compiler on Jailbreak device?

Ciro Camardella 12 years ago in iPad updated by Anton Smirnov 10 years ago 3

I know that Apple limits code execution on iPad, but on Jailbreak device?

Could you try this way....

Under review

Translation of the whole app

Joe Smith 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1
Is it possible to translate Textastic UI? If so, I'd like to help, because I love it and use it almost every day. It would be much easier for me to work with it if it was in my native (Czech) language :)
thx for answer

iOS 7 Design

Vitaly Ishkulov 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0
Looking forward for Textastic to be updated for iOS 7 beautiful design. 

Bug in the magnifier - orientation upside down.

Guy Ozery 12 years ago in iPad updated by Sarah Kelly 10 years ago 12


I am not sure when it happened but it did.

The magnifier orientation was opposite from the text orientation.  

Probably because I switched the iPad orientation number of times. 

I tried to restart the app and now its ok but it means that there are rare case that you lose track of orientation. 




This should be fixed in the next update.

Under review

Trigger auto-complete only when highlighted or specifically chosen

Bar Horesh 12 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

Because the auto complete feature is triggered by pressing the return key, what happens is that even if I don’t want to use a snippet and just go to a new line, the snippet is triggered. For example, when I write an else block, I like to have the braces under the else keyword, unlike the snippet which puts them right after the keyword ( in the same line)

When I try to take it down one line (by pressing the enter key when the cursor is right before the opening brace), the else if snippet is triggered, when I didn't even need it.

I would like the snippets to be triggered only when I specifically tap them (or press return on a physical keyboard when the snippet is highlighted. This would greatly improve my coding speed


I’m new to Textastic but already appreciating your App.

Johne1 4 days ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 days ago 1

Thank you, Alexander Blach!


Apple Intelligence for Textastic would be Fantastic!

tmslayton 4 weeks ago in iPad 0

Hi Alexander,

Can we have Apple Intelligence for us folks who use Textastic as a documentation tool. I use .txt files extensively and think it would be great to be able to use those AI tools.



Under review

Is there a simple straightforward way to show my console.log in a js file?

maxhsu1 3 months ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 months ago 1

I bought the app to do some algo practice. I need to be able to console.log on js files, is there a simple way to do this, and do this offline?

Under review

Buffer refreshing after editing vim in terminal

Vlad 3 months ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 months ago 1

There’s a malfunction in the Terminal window, after I edit and quit a vim file, and maybe after I switch tasks as well going from Textastic to Safari and back, the terminal window flashes with a memory leak from the previously edited vim file.

I solve this by clearing the terminal buffer Ctrl+L, but it’s getting to be annoying.

Under review

how to link html to js? mine is not working

pauuuuuuuuuuuuuu 4 months ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 months ago 2

<script src=“script.js”><script>