Your comments

Textastic 8 will allow custom fonts to be installed. I hope to release it as a free update soon.

Hello, I just tried your code and it works fine on my device. 

Where are your files stored? The files must be stored somewhere in "Local Files" or "iCloud" so that the web preview can find linked files. It does not work when the files are opened individually using the "Open…" command and are stored outside of Textastic's sandbox.

Also make sure that the files really have the correct file names. File names on iOS are case sensitive, so while "program1.js" works, "Program1.js" would not work.

Hello, this sounds more like an iCloud problem than a problem of Textastic itself. I would try to disable and re-enable iCloud Drive on the Windows machine.

Textastic works great together with the app "Marked 2". Just drag the Markdown file's icon from Textastic's window title bar onto Marked's Dock icon. Autosaved changes will automatically refresh the preview in Marked.

Textastic has no built-in functionality to run code. On macOS I would suggest to use the Terminal app to invoke Python in order to run your scripts.


this will be supported in Textastic 8.

Textastic currently only supports the PEM key file format. It looks like newer versions of ssh-keygen (for example on macOS 10.14 Mojave) don't use the PEM format by default anymore but instead use their own new format.

You can use the "-m PEM" parameter when generating the key to generate the private key file in a format recognized by Textastic, for example:

ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096

I'll add support for the new format in a future update of Textastic.

The new keys that are not recognized by Textastic begin with:


Private key files in the recognized PEM format begin with:


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Yeah, possibly, if we're talking about WebDAV connections. 

That's why I asked for the kind of remote connection.

I just tried this:

- tap on the "globe" button to open the remote transfer screen

- add two new SFTP connections

- tap on the (i) button at the right side of the first connection to edit it

- change ip address and path

- tap Done button

The changes only apply to one connection for me.