Your comments


currently, only syntax highlighting is supported for Go.

It's possible to add custom code completion files. You can find the existing code completion files for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C, Objective-C and PHP at

This should also work in iOS 13 if you installed a monospaced font using an app like AnyFont.

On iPad you can hide these using the "Additional Keys" setting in Textastic. 

I can reproduce the problem with Japanese text. I'll try to find out what is going on.

I could reproduce and find a workaround for this problem just yesterday. It will be fixed in the next update.

This seems to be a JSX syntax definition for TextMate 2 which injects itself into the built-in JavaScript syntax.

Textastic only supports TextMate 1 (and Sublime Text 2) syntax definitions, which do not support injection.

Currently, you can only use copy/paste to copy text from a code editor tab and paste it into to a terminal tab.

Textastic only supports syntax definitions and some preferences found in Sublime Packages. It does not run Python code from Sublime Packages.

I just tried to reproduce this, but it works on my iPad.

Did you maybe change the keyboard shortcut in Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> File -> Upload This File? If yes, you can reset it there.

What does the overlay show when you press and hold the Cmd key on your external keyboard?