Your comments

It should be even easier with ssh-keygen.

You can use a command line like this to import (-i) your pem file and convert to OpenSSH format:

ssh-keygen -i -f infile.pem > outfile
You could try this tip from the manual:

Puttygen should also be able to load the .pem file using the Conversions - Import Key menu item.

"Textastic expects the key file to be in the format used by the OpenSSH utility "ssh-keygen". If you instead have a key in PuTTY's format (.ppk), you can use PuTTYgen to convert it to OpenSSH format:

Visit the PuTTY website and download puttygen.exe (on your PC). Open it, and using the File menu, load your .ppk that you already use, and type in your passphrase. Now go to the Conversions menu and export the key as an OpenSSH key. You can now use the converted key with Textastic."

There is a TextMate bundle for SAS at

Have a look at the manual to see how you can install it:

How to install syntax definitions

Ok, thanks for the detailed explanation. I'll try to setup a similar environment.
The speed of highlighting also depends on a lot of factors like file size, file type, file complexity and device type. It can't be predicted how long it takes to highlight the first few lines. Also, the app does not just display the plain text, but also starts to layout the text to calculate the line height after word wrap. It's a little more complex than what the user sees on the screen.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but Textastic displays highlighted source code as soon as the first 100 lines are highlighted in a background thread. Before that, it will display a version of the text without syntax highlighting. I think that's better than displaying nothing before the text is highlighted.
Here's another topic with more information:
Please have a look at this topic:

I've posted links to resources on how to create TextMate bundles in the comments.
Just type in the topic of your idea in the input field at the top of and tap on "Next". This should allow you to post your idea.

