Your comments

At the moment, Textastic can show tab characters as gray triangles.

You can also use the Find and Replace feature and search for " " to display all space characters.
I have just tried it and it works for me with all fonts. See the attached screenshot.

Did you save the file with a Unicode encoding like UTF-8?

Just a quick status update:

I am currently working on Git support, but it will take quite some time before it is going to be finished. I have to write my own Git library from scratch, because there is no Git library written in C, C++ or Objective-C that supports network functions like push and pull over SSH as it is needed for GitHub. All existing solutions can only manipulate local repositories or only support a subset of network protocols. 

Also, most libraries are licensed under the GPL which can't be used in an iOS app.

libgit2 is written in C and licensed under the GPL with a linking exception. So I could in theory use it, but it lacks network protocol support. I'm not good enough in writing plain old cross-platform C code, so I can't really add those features myself. Also, I don't like the license.

Git.framework, written in Objective-C, can only manipulate local libraries and doesn't seem to be under active development.

JGit, which is used by Eclipse, is full-featured and uses the new-style BSD license, so it would indeed be perfect. But, it's written in Java, which I can't use on the iPad.

So I came to the conclusion that I'm going to write my own Git library using Objective-C. This has the added benefit of giving me a full understanding of Git internals.

Currently, it's hard for me to estimate if and when I will succeed with this project, but I'm trying my best.

Sorry, but Apple doesn't allow compilers in third-party apps. Instead, you can upload such files to a server and run it there - for example using an SSH app like iSSH or Prompt.
The crash reports get downloaded by iTunes when you connect the iPad to your computer via USB. It should be on the computer that you sync your device with.
The font selection is actually controlled by the "fontStyle" setting of the selected theme. 

I've modified the default "Mac Classic" theme and added "bold" to all "fontStyle" settings: Mac Classic 

Have a look at the manual to see how you can install this file:

You can modify the other themes in the same way. The default TextMate themes are available from the TextMate SVN repository: - others can be found on the internet.