Your comments

No, for example have a look at this comment at

Hi Richard,

We do not officially support WebDAV, but others here may have found workarounds that they would be willing to share with you. I'll keep this topic open for others to comment since I don't expect to provide a good recommendation for you at this time.
box doesn't officially support WebDAV. I will look into it when they add official WebDAV support.

The syntaxhighlighting and drawing of text is done in multiple threads in the background.Occasionally, it can happen that there is a graphic glitch like that. The fileitself is ok. I have not found out yet exactly when it happens because itoccurs very rarely.


If it happens,you can fix it by zooming out with a two-finger pinch gesture and zooming back into 100%. 

You can try to use the PL/SQL TextMate bundle you can find at

How you can install TextMate bundles is explained in the manual.
Sorry, but that is no real solution. I'm sure there are people who want to enter these characters - especially if you think globally. Also, each international keyboard has different character mappings. So while a certain key combination yields "œ" on an US keyboard, it will map to a different character on a German or French keyboard - let alone Japanese or Chinese. There is no way to determine which keyboard the user has activated so this won't work.
No, sorry, I'm using APIs that are only available in iOS 5. Due to changes in Core Animation it also makes testing a lot easier. I also have not found that iOS 5 slows down the first generation iPad.
It's possible using private APIs. I don't want to risk my app being rejected by Apple.
Textastic can load TextMate-compatible syntax definitions - this is described in the manual.

Unfortunately with a quick search I couldn't find a TextMate bundle for the language you mentioned.
Unfortunately, there's no API for that. See