Your comments
You can do that: just write images/image.png - you need to leave out the first slash. The slash would tell it to look at the root directory - just like on a real web server.
13 years ago
Please try to use the T-SQL TextMate bundle from
Have a look at to see how you can install it in Textastic.
The problem is that the iOS file system doesn't have file permissions like a Mac. On iOS every app has its own sandbox environment and there is no executable bit, as you can't execute arbitrary files. There is also no shell environment.
Adding chmod functionality for FTP connections is still on my todo list.
I'll have a look and try to fix it in the next update.
When TextExpander is not installed, there is a default snippet active which replaces four spaces with one tab character. I think that is what is causing the problem. I'll disable this default snippet in the next update.
Sorry, but I can't reproduce the problem. Can you tell me your exact settings?
Also, do you have TextExpander enabled? Try to disable it and let me know if this changes anything.
You should use the tab key to indent lines. When soft tabs is enabled, this will insert the configured amount of space characters.
Yeah, it might be a solution - but I'm not sure if another one or two buttons will fit on the bar.
You can create arbitrary folder structures in Textastic. For example, you can create a local folder in Textastic for every FTP account. In the File Transfer screen make sure to select the target folder for the download on the left side before you start the download.
I actually already added this using the code at but then discarded it because it interfered with the standard keyboard gestures. For example, on the German virtual keyboard, you can swipe up on the "O" key to enter "ö". Also, holding the "o" key displays a row of accentuated characters like ó, ò, ô and so on - this also didn't work too well together with swipe selection. Also, it sometimes unintentionally entered characters when swiping over the keyboard.
I didn't find a good way to circumvent these problems.
I'll consider adding support for xml and html validation.
You can also add your vote for w3c validator support at
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