Under review

XML Namespaces and XSD Code Completion / Autocomplete

Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago in General updated 12 years ago 3


Right now I am learning XML and trying to create a schema for Balsamiq (unofficial schema for my workflow), but I have to fire up VS 2012 RTM on my laptop and I need to constantly flip between a schema that works with intellisense and one that still has issues, not to mention having a tutorial page open to learn the specs.  As I have described, you can imagine I have limited visibility of either schema, which means I need to constantly adjust the size of the window panes.  This has another problem, there is no scrolling synch (unlike Word 2007-2013), which makes it extremely difficult to spot differences.

Why do I still use this method?

Intellisense is the reason, being allowed to reference known Schemas makes my job a little easier.


1.  Add ability to reference Schemas, so that autocomplete works with XML and other XML related languages (XAML, YAML, XSL, XSLT, etc).

2.  Add ability to store custom Schemas and reference them with other Schemas.

3.  Implement a synchronized scrolling feature that allows users to spot differences between 2 documents (similar to the Notepad++ diff plugin or Word 2010 if you want to wait to add diff).

(feature request copied from an email by Jon Edlund)

This is probably not that easy to implement, but it would certainly benefit a lot of users. I'll consider it for future updates.

Has it ever been done in any other iOS app, to your knowledge?

I'm not aware of an app that does that.