Under review

“Select all/unselect all” option to move files (external folder)

pfurbacher 5 years ago in iPad updated 5 years ago 4

As it is now, you can select files and folders by tapping on each one of them individually in the list. Suppose you have 25 files you want to move to a different folder. That’s a lot of tapping.

A “select all”, “unselect all” set of options would make things a lot easier.


While editing—Tabs uploaded/not uploaded indicator

Dwest 5 years ago in iPad 0

While editing files, how about a red dot next to the file name on the tab if the file has changed but has not been uploaded? And a green dot when it has been uploaded ( or is same as version on the server).

Seems like that would be an easy one and very helpful at a glance while working on files while in a distracting environment.

Yes, some of us don't have the luxury of a nice, quiet, undistracted development environment 😉

Under review

Symbol bar overlaps Terminal when using a floating keyboard.

Richard Williams 5 years ago in iPad updated by Daniel Ashbrook 4 years ago 2

When the keyboard is shrunk to its floating mode, the symbols bar moves to the bottom of the screen but now overlaps e.g. the ssh terminal thus hiding the bottom lines of input.

Under review

Hard keyboard Caps Lock key remapped to Control, or general in-app key remapping

luke 6 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

Requesting the ability to remap Caps Lock to Control while in-app. Currently, the iPad OS doesn’t support any sort of key remapping, but there are a few apps in the store that allow for this substitution within their own apps. This is specifically for external iPad keyboards.

Maybe some other developers have key remapping needs similar to this one?  This could be part of a bigger feature.


Hard wrap

cjp 6 years ago in General 0

Add an option, potentially configurable based on file type, to hard wrap text (that is, insert an actual newline) prior to a certain column.

Under review

iOS file system

Martin Graf 6 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

When trying to open a folder from some apps (which have file system integration) the following errors occur on my iPhone and iPad (iOS 12.1.3):

OneDrive: Textastic tries to open folders as files (and does not display anything in this file then)

Nextcloud: Textastic takes no action (not even a warning message) when trying to open a folder

Opening just files from those file providers works perfectly fine.

It would be really nice if this bug was fixed.

Under review

Bugs about opening file

SailFlorve 6 years ago in iPad updated 6 years ago 2

Hello! When I select "open" in Textastic, there's no "select" on the top right, until I installed Working Copy(See attachments). So if not, I cannot choose folders in other apps. But I have Documents by readdle and OneDrive. Why do not show "select" when not installing Working Copy? Is it a bug or pretend to?

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fuzzy search keyboard shortcut

nico 6 years ago in iPad 0

Keyboard shortcut to quickly search for files like in Xcode (Cmd+shift+O) or VSCode (Cmd+P) would be awesome.