
Missing in JavaScript code completion

sabi 3 years ago in General 0

Great app!

console.log and for-of loop are missing in the code completion suggestion.
I’m going through the advent of code using JavaScript in Textastic 👍

Under review

SSH Terminal: Tap dismisses keyboard

Evan Mitchell 3 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 years ago 1

While using the SSH terminal, to get the paste option you currently have to tap twice: the first tap dismisses the keyboard, and the second brings back the keyboard and shows the paste option. I would expect the first tap to bring up the paste option.


Support for File Explorer via Files app

gee4vee 3 years ago in General updated by Doug Dyer 3 years ago 1

File Explorer is a great app that has Files app integration and it would be great if Textastic supported it like it does with Working Copy. This would allow mounting files on a remote server in FE and editing them in Textastic, among other things.



Milon 3 years ago in iPhone updated 3 years ago 1

Hello there,

Today's post is just a funny one. I'll be releasing different types of themes for the community. I'll update this post regularly to add new theme's every now and then. Feel free to suggest themes!

How to add themes? Go to your Textastic app, open the local files > create a new folder name the folder #Textastic (make sure it's exactly named like that else it won't work!) add a file into the folder named (you may choose the name as long as the file extension is ends with) .tmTheme 

Theme's are below: 

Notepad theme:


Tooltips for buttons in toolbar

notDavid 4 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Please consider adding tooltips to the toolbar buttons and such.

(using the Apple Magic Keyboard with Trackpad, the ‘Working Copy’ app has tooltips, very convenient…)


Filebrowser Support

Poison 4 years ago in iPad 0

Please add Filebrowser integration to get access to more locations to work with. 


Under review

ssh to server starting irb (Ruby) not working

rpf13 4 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 5

I‘m connecting via ssh to a linux server which has ruby running on it. If i want to go into the IRB shell of ruby, textastic hangs, it just shows a „triangle“ and completely hangs, I have to kill the ssh session to get out. Why does IRB not work when using it in textastic? I cannot understand...


Plea for a Read Only button to be put on the 'Dashboard' tool bar

Doug Dyer 4 years ago in iPad updated 2 years ago 1

On an iPad it is very easy to inadvertently add an unintended character from the keyboard into your code when scrolling through it debugging etc. When this happens and you miss it or are unaware it happened there is a ton of time wasted trying to find the aberrant character that has stopped your program running in its tracks. This can be solved by placing a Read Only 'switch' that is easily accessible at the top of the tool bar so you can switch edit ability and read only on and off as required, preventing unintended typos or character additions that mess up your program. This having happened to me many times causes me to write this urgent request. Having said this let me also say Textastic is Fantastic...coding on an iPad could almost not be done without it. Thanks for a great editor!

Doug D.



jeff drumgod 4 years ago in General 0

Add support for prettier directives.



In split screen focus is not restored when clicking

Zaratounga 4 years ago in iPad 0

I’m using textastic alongside blink shell in split view and it looks like I can’t get back the focus to the textastic window by clicking into the textastic text zone. The caret moves where I click but the focus stays on the blink shell window. Works OK with another app like notes. ipados latest version.