
Use as 3rd party keyboard

Bea Steers 5 years ago in General updated by It’s Me 12 months ago 3

Textastic is by far the best coding keyboard I’ve seen for iOS devices and there aren’t really any viable options for external keyboards out there. 

I would love if I could use Textastic in other apps (like if I’m submitting an issue on github) so I don’t have to copy and paste from Wikipedia just to get a backtick character. 


Textastic only adds a row above the standard iOS keyboard. To make this available in all apps, I would need to provide the full keyboard. It's not possible to just add a row like I can in my own app. This means I would need to re-implement the standard iOS keyboard, which I don't think is feasible.

Not gonna lie though, it would be nice if I could have the iOS keyboard plus numbers at the top, and sometimes characters like we see in your keyboard. I’d gladly pay $8 just for a perfect keyboard. I tried xKeyboard, but it’s really jenky and awful because the keys are all different sizes (and ugly) from the original iOS keyboard.

Actually it’s totally feasible… at least from a technical POV. There is the Typewise keyboard which is available on iOS for typing with two thumbs. See this article for a complete description https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-ease-typing-on-your-mobile-phone-with-the-typewise-keyboard/.