Modifying rights

stubi2 10 years ago in General 0
Program--code needs to have appropriate rights like 666 otherwise code will not function.
Please add a possibility to alter data-rights

problem replacing character with accented character using BT keyboard

Urban Kravjanský 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3

When replacing selected character (or group of characters) with accented character using bluetooth keyboard, accent alone replaces the selection and following character is selected. If I continue writing, this selected character is replaced with accented version of last entered character.

For example if I want to change word "banan" into "banán" by selecting second "a", I will end up with word "ban'á".

Version 4.3

Will be fixed in the next update.


About Chinese character encoing

Yyy2k3 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2
Can not support Chinese character really.All the encoding about Chinese can not work.不能真正支持中文字符,虽然有编码选择,但是不能真正生效。
Can The "Encoding"selection work to all the files? now just can support one file.
Under review

Highlighting Errors

Nevets 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 0
- SQL keywords used between [ and ] should not be highlighted.
- Depending on the language keywords should be treated as case sensitive.

Good, very good work!

SeaCliff 13 years ago 0
Очень надеюсь на хорошую поддержку в дальнейшем.
Need subversion system!
Under review

When would the ios 8 version be available?

kmaiya 9 years ago in General updated 9 years ago 2
When is the closest that an ios 8 version of texastic for ios will be available on the app store. I am looking forward to new improvements.

zip archivator is not working correctly with big projects. it is losing the files.

keeka 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 7
Version 4.3

The problem will be fixed in the next update.

Here is some background information: I am using a zip library which is using the "fopen" function to open files and "fread" to read their contents when creating the zip file. Unfortunately, the code never called "fclose". So while creating the zip file, the app would run out of file handles and silently fail to add all files to the zip file. I added a call to "fclose" after each file was written to the zip file and now it works correctly.


Adding a termianl to test java code

Hunter Cheramie 9 years ago in iPad 0
It would be nice to have a way to test out java code using a small internal terminal 

Special CSS Editor

Adam Vandenbussche 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
A built in CSS editor like Coda's would be really cool and easy to use!!!
Under review

Advanced Symbols Window

Fabiano Kovalski 10 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
It would be nice to have a more advanced symbols window (in C/C++) to show :
  • variables with datatypes
  • typedefs
  • #includes
  • structures with expandable list of members with their respective datatypes
  • differentiate between definition and declaration of functions
  • differentiate between static and global definitions
  • differentiate between object-like and function-like #defines 
  • include function arguments and return types
A good example of the listed contents is Eclipse Outline View: