Under review

Can I delete a line with a short cut?

Sangcheol Choi 11 years ago updated by Tony Dow 11 years ago 4
I want to delete a line with a key.
If you are at the end of a line Cmd Backspace deletes to beginning of line.
I have created a keyboard map mainly for use with the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard but you might also find it useful. Go to http://www.tonydow.me.uk/LUKM.pdf 
Regards, Tony Dow
Under review
You can find a list of hardware keyboard shortcuts at http://www.textasticapp.com/v5/manual/lessons/Whic...

I'm not aware of a shortcut to delete the current line.
Not a very shortcut but you could use:

Ctrl A
Shft Cmd right arrow