Does textastic support UTF-8 without BOM?

Matthias Wrase 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
For my Chinese website it is mandatory to save the language files as "UTF-8 without BOM" . The BOM characters must be omitted. They will confuse my application (OXID eShop). So far I did not find an editor for the iPad which omits the "BOM".Does textastic Support "UTF-8 without BOM" or just "UTF-8"?I did not find a list of supported character encodings in the manual.
Thanks in advance,

Postscript support

Glenn Helmendach 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

Any possibility for Postscript support?  Or how about opening up the capability to define our own language rules?


Show PDF preview if a local file with the same name exists

Teddy Svoronos 9 years ago in General 0

Many of us are using remote typesetters to produce PDFs of LaTeX documents. If I have a PDF in the same directory as a Tex file with the same name, it would be great for Textastic to treat it as a "remote file preview" so that I can browse the PDF when activating the preview window


viewing documents on Textastic? and a question about coding Markdown

Beth Chaplin 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 4
Hi there -

Please help me in my ignorance; I've just discovered Markdown, but I am having trouble finding an iOS editor that implements it very well.  I believe Textastic supports MultiMarkdown.
1. Does it also support some html tags in a Markdown document, such as the following syntax for internal links in a document:




2. And is this a good app for VIEWING Markdown documents? That would be its main function, for me, though the ability to code on the iPad is nice to have.


MathML in HTML (or Markdown) can't Send As Message in iOS 6

Aslak Raanes 12 years ago in iPhone 0

This isn't actually only a Textastic-bug, since the same thing happens in some other Markdown-implementations (Daily One, Byword). In Texstastic the same thing also happens when using MathML in HTML.

Something like this (and more complex MathML) looks good in HTML-preview iOS 6:

<!doctype html>
<title>Trigging MathML in HTML iOS bug</title>

but it isn't possible to Send As Message. The send email dialog just disapears and goes back to editor mode. It works on my iPad with iOS 5 (but the preview doesn't look as good).


Move file bug

Myako Toudai 12 years ago in iPad 0

I get an objective C error when I move a file from location a to b if at location b exists a file with the same name.

Device: iPad 2

OS: iOS 6.0

Textastic: Latest version

Under review

.command files are shell scripts on OS X

Brian M (tech4789) 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 2
On OS X, and executable shell script can also have the extension ".command". This isn't detected in the current version of the app and would be nice to not have to manually choose shell script. 

Tab widths other than 4 don't work with space input

Richard Brooksby 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 5

Set tab width to anything othe than 4. Open a news document. Press space repeatedly. Note cursor jumps left or right after 4 spaces. Switch on soft tabs for other bizarre effects. Especially annoying when trying to line up columns in code!


Web Preview doesn't allow pinch-to-zoom

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 0
Somehow I forgot to set the "scalesPagesToFit" property of the html preview UIWebView to YES. This means, the user can't manually change the zoom scale of the preview.

This will be fixed in the version after 1.1.
Version 2.0

Remote preview Acces httaccess directory

Fexxel 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3
In Textastic 4.0 I'm unable to view remote files that are in a htaccess folder. I should be promted for a username and password to view those files.
Now the screen just stays white.