Under review

Error after opening file with ownCloud

Andreas Neumann 9 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 7
Every time I open a file via ownCloud, change something and then stop editing, I get an error "der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden (Cocoa Fehler 4). But when I switch to the owncloud-app I see, that the file gets uploaded.
Could you have a look into this, please?
Great app anyway!


Support for SVN

조지훈 9 years ago in General 0
Hi. I've got this app knowing that it support svn, but finally I figured out that I saw the topic registered in the feedback page of Textastic homepage.

So I got disappointed that there is no option of svn for connection, but for another way, I drilled about using webDAV. And while working on webDAV I found that one of function of apache webserver, it supports webDAV and svn for version control. So that I connected to svn through apache webserver webDAV. So it seemed that all the ways go nice.

But, I've got something uncomfortable issue browsing files in my repository. When I connect the repository through HTTP protocol like http:{ip}:{port}/svn/test/trunk, it contains a directory like "er/2/trunk" but actually it is for viewing current revision information when I see it through web browerser. So the question or a request is that is there a way to ignore directories such like that, is for additional information for web browser.

I don't know about how it is going on that supporting various version control software, but if it is hard for supporting fully functional, then how about supporting things like making svn usable through webDAV and apache webserver's auto version control function through svn.

JADE or HAML syntax highlighting rules

Kyle Mueller 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 6
Would it be possible to get syntax highlighting for Jade? It's based on HAML. So you may be able to do both at the same time? Ref: https://github.com/visionmedia/jade

iCloud Nested folders

Joshua Hernandez 11 years ago updated by はいあっと 10 years ago 6


Textastic is a great app and I love using it. Now with the recent addition of iCloud support there is a seamless syncing of files which I am a fan of. I don't even have to push the files myself! The only downside to putting things on iCloud is the inability to make a folder within a folder. I'm guessing that this is a limitation of iCloud, but my organization of files would greatly benefit with even just one more layer of nested folders when using iCloud. I don't work on any large projects, so I can just make numerous top level folders if I really want to continue using the built-in iCloud support. Though is there a possibility of this being implemented? 

Keep up the great work. 



Under review

C++ string recognition bug

Jung Chul Shin 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 3
C++ code like this seems to be incorrectly recognized:
cout << "hello;"
This line is recognized as cout << "hello; and ", which should be recognized as one sentence.
Under review

Compiling and Running HTML and JavaScript (Ipad)

Joshua Geddes 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 3
I was wondering how to run HTML and JavaScript? I think you can in the app but I am just wondering how to do it? Thanks.

firebug not working on local view

Carlin Canales 11 years ago in iPad updated 11 years ago 4

When i preview a page and try to enable firebug nothing happens. i'm connected to the internet. It was working fine before the most recent update. Not sure if this is a known bug or just something i'm doing wrong. if i open the preview and click on the remote button and enable firebug it works fine, but not when in local view. 

Under review

Code tagging support

Valery Vorotyntsev 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
Code tagging support will transform this excellent app into an ultimate tool of choice of any iPad-wielding programmer.
GNU GLOBAL (http://www.gnu.org/software/global/) is really good; its «locate not only definitions but also references» feature is particularly useful. It would be a huge win if Textastic app supported it.
Thank you, guys, you are the best!

Add a simple directory tree/breadcrumb

db2 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
Add a basic directory/path viewer to show (and navigate to) all parents of the currently selected directory, up to the root directory. Perhaps make it like the recent files viewer, i.e. tap the current directory name to open. I have some sites that can go 10+ directories deep; it's quite easy to get lost.

ios 7 support

simon7ley 9 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 2
I own a device with ios 7 and wanted to purchase Textastic in the App Store, but it said it required ios 8. Since Apple limited filesystem access with ios 8.3, I don't want to upgrade. I wonder if it was possible to make Textastic available for ios 7 again (maybe with less features)?