
Box support

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Objective-C API can be found at http://developers.box.net/w/page/12923917/ApiExamples


Support Coffeescript syntax highlighting and compilation

Martin Wawrusch 14 years ago 0 1 duplicate
Coffeescript (jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/) is a new language that is compiled on top of javascript and rubifies Javascript. It has disruptive potential, especially when combined with a javascript based webserver.
It would be great if syntax highlighting would be supported, even better if it was possible to compile and run coffeescript on the fly within the text editor.

Will there be support for SFTP?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 8
UPDATE: I finally received the necessary documents from the US government! SFTP will be in the next version of Textastic!

Previous Status was: Textastic 2.0 will have an FTP client. SFTP (a subsystem of ssh) is mostly working too already, but every app on the App Store has to respect US export laws regarding encryption algorithms.

This is what Apple says:
"Your application will be uploaded to an Apple server in the U.S., which means that your product will be exported from the U.S. and is captured by U.S. export laws. This requirement applies even if you only plan to distribute within your own country."

I've started the commodity classification request process but I can't release a version of Textastic with SFTP support before I receive the the required documents from the Bureau of Industry and Security (U.S. Department of Commerce). Unfortunately this can take a few weeks (hopefully not months).
Under review

Format code option

Shae Strachan 13 years ago updated by pauuuuuuuuuuuuuu 4 months ago 12 1 duplicate
A lot of my code is minified and makes it almost impossible to read using this app.

I usually just use the code formatting option in dreamweaver then minifiy it when im done.

So, I guess I am requesting 2 options.

1. automatic code formatting

2. minify code option

Dart support

TBolt 9 years ago 0

Any chance of adding support for Dart? I understand that this is an Apple-centric app; just thought I'd ask

Under review

Undo Needs a Persistent History

philmaker 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 months ago 10
I accidentally deleted the contents of a significant file - and then switched to another file. I lost the work in the first file because undo history resets when switching way from a file. Can undo support be more enduring?

Split screen

Alain Nadeau 13 years ago updated by Jonathan Ragan-Kelley 9 years ago 7 2 duplicates
Horizontally or vertically. Would be awesome
Under review


Hineynu 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 5 2 duplicates
Clicking the line number would add a bookmark to that line (visible by highlighting the line number somehow). Then a keyboard shortcut or popup window (maybe a couple icons added to the Line Number and Column number window?) would be used for navigating to First, Previous, Next, or Last bookmark (or just Previous and Next if there is not enough screen for four buttons). These icons could be hidden if there are no bookmarks in the open file. Clicking on the line number of a bookmarked line would remove the bookmark from the line.

Automatically adjust word wrap to fit screen

Sergey Stukov 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 4
When i edit text i want to see it all on screen without doing additional horizontal scrolling.
Version 2.2
Added in Textastic 2.2.

Save cursor position

Sergey Stukov 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3
And return to it when switching between files

When editing i usually switch between two or more files and it will be great if cursor will stay on previous position when switching
Version 1.1
The cursor position (selected range) is now saved - even between app launches.

Will be available in the next release.