
It is not possible to either initially set and later change line endings.

William Fithen 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 2
Since multiple types of line endings are supported depending on the initial file's extension, it is critical to be able to change them later if you either rename a file or change its syntax definition dynamically. For example any CR terminated file won't render as Markdown, even if you rename it. I also recommend an option a file creation time to set the line endings as well, but it's not as important as being able to change them.
Version 2.2
Added in Textastic 2.2.

Would someone recommend the best HTML/CSS/JS editor for OSX Lion? thanks!

David Brooks 13 years ago updated by György Mérei 12 years ago 2
Since we can't use this excellent editor on our Macs, what do you recommend? 
Under review

Bold fonts please

rob ireland 13 years ago updated by Sergey Stukov 13 years ago 1
So I can read tiny fonts on my new iPad.

Java syntax highlighting isn't working very good.

John Sterling 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
I have a lot of problems with the syntax highlighting in Java files.

Specifically, all of the files I've tried in this archive has had problems. http://www.crofter.org/games/jbox2d_demos/slick_port_jbox2d_src.jar

How many installations of Textastic are there?

rastafunky 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3
Textastic is an obviously popular editor for iPad, how many people use it? Can you give an estimate of the number of Textastic users?

Highlighting for ASP.NET MVC 3, file extension .cshtml.

Wolfgang Loder 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 2
Setting it manually to HTML is a weak workaround, so an automatic highlighting rule related to cshtml extensions would be appreciated.

Cursor Navigation Wheel Gets "Stuck" on Cursor Left

Tom Sobczynski 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1

When four-finger-swiping among apps, it often occurs that when I return to Textastic it begins endlessly repeating the move-cursor-left action on the navigation click wheel. If I tap that button, it stops.

Occurs on iPad 2 with iOS 5.0 running Textastic 3.1
This will be fixed in the next update.

Are there some hotkeyys for bt-keyboard? For example, preview?

Herman Saprykin 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2

Work Directly from Dropbox folder

Ashley Hitchcock 13 years ago 0
Being able to edit files directly from dropbox without having to download them first. 

Can't connect to sharpoint WebDAV.

Mark Cohen 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
The app shuts down when I try to connect to my SharePoint WebDAV server. Seems like a great editor but I can't use it.