
It is not possible to either initially set and later change line endings.

William Fithen 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 2
Since multiple types of line endings are supported depending on the initial file's extension, it is critical to be able to change them later if you either rename a file or change its syntax definition dynamically. For example any CR terminated file won't render as Markdown, even if you rename it. I also recommend an option a file creation time to set the line endings as well, but it's not as important as being able to change them.
Version 2.2


Added in Textastic 2.2.
I put this in "bugs" so I don't know why it is in "general".
The forum is called "General" but it is correctly posted as a bug (there is a "bug" icon next to "posted by".
Added in Textastic 2.2.