Your comments

Textastic already supports the Files app through the "Open…" command. See this topic in the manual for more details:

I'm not trying to mislead anyone. I have made some preparations for live editing in the UI of Textastic 7. The tab bar was a necessary step for this for example (to make space for additional buttons in the navigation bar above it). I have also implemented parts of the UI for showing the connections below "Local Files" and "iCloud", but removed it so I could ship Textastic 7.

The big blocker is that Textastic currently uses libcurl for (S)FTP connection and it might not support all the commands I need to send to a server. I'm not sure yet if I can continue using it or if I need to switch to another FTP library to implement live editing (which is obviously a big change).

I'm not aware of any problems in general with the update, but looking at the screenshots I would suggest to restart your Mac and try it again.

You may also try to delete the app from Applications and download it again from the Mac App Store instead of updating.

Hello, currently, Textastic does not support file transclusion. 

I'll consider adding it in a future update.


I assume you are talking about the web preview. Textastic uses a standard web view that uses the same WebKit engine as Safari. So, the web preview should support everything that is supported by Safari.

I tried a simple example I found at and it worked:


<!doctype html>   
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <script type="module">
    import {addTextToBody} from './utils.js';

    addTextToBody('Modules are pretty cool.');


export function addTextToBody(text) {
  const div = document.createElement('div');
  div.textContent = text;

If I preview module.html in Textastic by tapping the "glasses" icon, it shows the message "Modules are pretty cool.". 


Textastic checks if Working Copy is installed and only then enables the "Select" button. Opening folders only works for file providers that store files locally - like a Git client. It does not work with cloud providers like OneDrive.


I can gladly help you with issues using Textastic itself, but help with specific HTML or creating websites in general is outside the scope of this support forum, sorry. 


this sound like a useful ideal - I guess it would only work on iPad because of the limited space on iPhone.

Hello, please have a look at the Settings app -> General -> Language & Region.

You can set a preferred order of languages there using the Edit button in the top right corner. Maybe you have German set before English for some reason?