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I cannot reproduce this problem in the latest version of Textastic for Mac. For me, the state of the sidebar is saved.

In Textastic -> Preferences -> Advanced, is "Restore files and windows when re-opening Textastic" checked?

Thanks a lot for your insightful answer. I agree that it's probably more important to not alienate new users. 

I'm going to disable the shortcuts by default in a new version and will add a preference to enable it.


I'm aware of a crash that happens to some users when restoring the application state on application launch on macOS 10.13.6. It does not seem to happen on 10.14 Mojave.

Please try the following to fix the problem:

  • Go to Finder
  • Select Go -> Go to Folder…
  • Enter "~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/" and press Go
  • Delete the folder "Saved Application State"
  • Try to launch Textastic

If that doesn't help, you can also try to delete the folder "~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac" which will remove all preferences, saved application state, custom syntax definitions, themes and templates. It won't delete your documents.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly is causing the crash.

Regarding the crashes you mention while using the app: this is new to me. Did Textastic ask to send crash reports after a restart?

You're probably right. The author of Emmet chose those keyboard shortcuts for his other editor plugins (TextMate, Sublime Text, Coda, Atom...). I didn't know about the Emacs shortcuts at the time, so I just used them in Textastic, too. I thought it would be best to use the same shortcuts Emmet users know from other editors.

I'm not sure how to really fix this problem. Add a setting to disable the Emmet shortcuts? Disable them by default? I don't really want to make all shortcuts configurable, but maybe that would be the best solution.

Regarding connecting to your VPS: How do you try to connect? What error message do you get?

Textastic thinks that the .php file you are trying to open is a binary file. They also do all seem to have about the same size. So It looks like like used the "Open…" command to open a folder from a cloud service like iCloud Drive and the files have not been downloaded yet. Unfortunately this isn't supported in the current version of Textastic.

From the manual at

Opening external folders only works when the files and folders are stored locally on the device. This is typically true for Git clients and the “On my iPad/iPhone” location, but also for apps like Documents by Readdle.
It does not work when folders are stored in the cloud. For cloud providers like iCloud Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, you can only open individual files, not folders.

If your files are stored in iCloud Drive, I would suggest to move them to Textastic's iCloud Drive folder. Then they are available in the "iCloud" location in Textastic.

Textastic currently remembers the cursor position, not the scroll position. So if you never move the cursor to the line you scrolled to, it will still be in line 1.

The problem is that this is only available in native UITextView instances. For Textastic I've implemented a fully custom text view based on the UITextInput protocol. This means that I would have to re-implement the functionality Apple implemented for UITextView. It's not just a simple switch, but would take some days.

You can still move the cursor by moving two fingers over the on-screen keyboard. It just doesn't work on the editor itself.