Your comments

Thank you for reporting this.

It would be really helpful if you could tell me exactly which keys to press on the keyboard to make it crash since unfortunately I don't know how to read Hiragana or Kanji characters.

Did the problem occur with the virtual on-screen keyboard or a hardware keyboard?

What would probably help the most would be a small video demonstrating the problem.
Thank you, but I think I found a great solution for a future version of Textastic. I've updated the feedback accordingly.
I just found out that this only happens with the onscreen keyboard and not in all cases. With a hardware keyboard you can tap on the "x" and also use escape to decline the auto correction suggestion.

I will investigate further...
Good idea. Should this be an options in the global settings? I'm just not sure where this option should go.
Do you have any more information when exactly this crash happens? I'll thouroughly test it when fixing the other issue you posted.
I can reproduce the problem and will fix it. Thanks for reporting this! I don't know why this wasn't noticed while testing this version.