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Please send me the log file to

Hello, Textastic 3.0 supports custom syntax definitions that are compatible with TextMate.

There is a TextMate bundle for Arduino available at

Here's how to add it to Textastic:

Yes, this is unfortunately a problem in iOS 5. It seems to cache the CSS file although it shouldn't. This doesn't happen in iOS 4.

As a workaround, you can add a parameter to the url like that: 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css?v=1"/> 

Increment the counter when you make a change.

I will try to fix this in an update.

Yes, this is unfortunately a problem in iOS 5. It seems to cache the CSS file although it shouldn't.

As a workaround, you can add a parameter to the url like that:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css?v=1" media="screen" />

Increment the counter when you make a change.

I will try to fix this in an update.
By the way: it's just a visual glitch, the Q key seems to still work as it should.
I played around a bit with the keyboard settings and now I see this too on my device. 

I'll fix it in an update. 

Thanks for reporting this bug!
This TextMate manual entry explains how language grammars work:


the TextMate manual explains how themes work:

You need to understand the concept of scopes and scope selectors to be able to create your own themes:

In Textastic, you can tap on the editor with three fingers to see the scope under the cursor. 

It's probably easier to have a look at the huge amount of themes that is available for TextMate. There's a large collection at
I've never seen this error before and do not have it on my device, sorry. Did you try to reboot the iPad and see if that helps?