A couple of useful tools for creating templates for Textastic

Ramon Figueroa-Centeno 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1


I found the following two tool useful in creating templates:

1. To escape the characters that need escaping:


(the instructions in https://github.com/blach/Textastic-Customization, do not mention escaping characters beyond tabs and newlines, but one has to also).

2. To check the syntax of the json file (otherwise Textastic will not load it):


I don't do java, so these two tool were very useful.


A setting to disable additional keys clicking sound

Pierre Hans Corcoran 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Even if the keyboard clicking sounds are disabled in general settings, the additional row is still clicking, which is annoying. Clicking virtual keyboards combine all the disadvantages of real keyboards (noisy) without the advantages (touch feedback for finger position).
Textastic 2.1 will honour the system setting for keyboard sounds.
Under review

Files get swapped/overwritten!

Rui Carmo 12 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 5

I'm having a REALLY weird bug that is spoiling my morning... 

I have these two files:

- test.html

- js/waterbug.js

I've done this a dozen times now, and whenever I:

1) edit the JS file

2) navigate up the tree back to the HTML file and hit preview,

upon hitting "done" and returning to the editor the HTML file is overwritten with the contents of the JS file.

If I'm editing the JS file, when I return to it just after preview it gets overwritten with the contents of the HTML file.

It's really weird and unsettling, plus I've lost a bunch of changes already - even though the JS file is saved on my SFTP server, the HTML file wasn't...


HTML 5 and CSS 3

Kévin Pitolin 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 3

Are you planning to implement CSS3 and HTML 5 in Textastic ?

 Thanks for this app thought, it's a must-have. But with this, it would be greater.

Under review

Auto-indent for python

Mr. Man 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 3
Since python relies on indents for flow control, I feel this should be added in. Also if you could add in a console type thing I believe previews for many more programs could be possible
Under review

Allow edit all kind of text files. Now I cannot open my .config file in textastic

KoSiarz 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1

Encoding switch does not work

Denis Vasilkovsky 12 years ago in iPad updated by Freemen Muaddib 2 years ago 11

It seems that Textastic does not switch encoding neither from current file menu nor from wrench one.

I have some files with Windows CP-1251 encoding. Switching between different encoding options have no visual effect. Also after applying changes encoding remains utf-8.

Switching between fonts doesn't take any effect.

What i'm doing wrong?


Bug when using Softtabs and putting in some spaces at beginning of line

Ramon Hackbarth 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4
When using Softtabs and putting in some spaces at the beginning of the line (to intend line) after a couple of spaces the actual line jumps back at the end of the line before and removes the last two characters.

Bug report: Textastic for Mac won't save new html files

Giles Turnbull 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

(Mac OS X 10.8.4, MacBook Air 13")


1. open new document, type something

2. save as html file

3. type some changes, hit Command+S

4. Textastic says: "The document could not be saved, you don't have permission."


Image 55

Plain text files don't seem to have the same trouble, only html files. 


New top row keys

Dan Eveland 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
Ok, the idea behind these top row keys is just amazing! I don't know if this exists anywhere else or you made it up, but this is so great! That whole tap and slide thing is so easy and is so much faster than switching keyboard modes. Thanks! I wish those were everywhere now, like in iSSH and my VNC app Jump.