
Built-in Preview window making several requests at the same time

Miguel 4 years ago in iPad updated 4 years ago 13

I am using the built-in preview to check my remote code after I upload it to the server. I do this periodically. Recently I started to notice that if I do it very often after a while my server started to reply with 508. I checked the logs and it seems the AppleWebKit is making several requests at once instead of just 1 normal request. The more I use it seems the more requests it makes. it seems it goes back to normal if kill Textastic and open it again. I suspect the Preview window is not getting killed properly and is running on the background.


Built-in Preview window making several requests at the same time

Miguel 4 years ago in iPad 0

i am using the built-in preview to check my remote code.

Under review

Golang completion & code formatting on iPad version

Nicolas_d 4 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Hi !

I just bought Textastic code editor 9 for my iPad Pro and I’m facing a major issue at the moment. 

Looks like code coloration is working for my Golang files, but I do not manage to get any kind of completion & code formatting. Am I missing something ? 

All the other features (ssh & file syncing) work like a charm ! If I could get a deeper Golang integration, I could use this app on a daily basis for developing while on the road. 

Thanks for your future support :)


How to find files in Textastic memory cache

Doug Dyer 4 years ago in iPad 0

I am writing a PWA using JavaScript in Textastic. If I re run my code after a short interval, the database opens correctly (using indexedDBj). If re running after a long interval, I will often encounter this error: NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'transaction. Is there away to see what 'files' are stored in the Textastic memory cache?


Continuous Undo/Redo

Davetheword 4 years ago in iPad 0

Is it possible to make undo/redo (primarily with keyboard, e.g. cmd+z) take action continuously, ergo if the cmd+z is held for a short while, it starts automatically stepping back in undo history, and vica versa?

At the moment if there’s a bigger chunk of work done that needs to be undone, cmd+z has to be pressed every time to step back one by one.

Thanks in advance!


Cursor jumps randomly

Davetheword 4 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 5

On IPad with folio keyboard the cursor randomly jumps across the whole document when pressing the up/down arrow keys. Haven’t managed to find any pattern in this behaviour, seems to be happening every now and then - but more often when selecting some text and using shift+arrow keys to jump between lines.

Let me know if I could provide anything more to help with this!


I could reproduce and find a workaround for this problem just yesterday. It will be fixed in the next update.

Under review

Syntax Bundle Not Loading (javascript-react.tmbundle)

akbuck667 4 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 1

I was following the manual on adding .tmbundle files for custom syntax highlighting, however, one bundle I tried to install isn’t loading into the application. Are there any methods or steps for users like me to debug this? I tried enabling the debug logs, but it looks like only the successful loading of bundles are logged when performing the “Reload Customizations” action.

The bundle in question is: https://github.com/jjeising/javascript-jsx.tmbundle


- I did find this bundle through online search- but based on my understanding, this bundle should be supported by Textastic.
- I am also assuming that there are currently no issues with this bundle. If there is, then I would expect to be able to see an error in Textastic’s debug logs.

- I have configured other syntax bundles in the application on the same device (at the same time as well), so there is no inaccuracy with my #Textastic directory.

Under review

Upload shortcut key not working, download working fine

tjandae 4 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Option + Command + Up arrow is not working but option + command + down arrow is working fine

Under review

Refresh file view from Workingcopy?

Mark Levison 5 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 1

I'm using workingcopy as my git tool and it's connected to text stick. There are a number of new files in my repo and text stick doesn't see them automatically, nor can I find a refresh function. How to magically cause them to be seen?


Is there way to render this simple vue example?

Nicholas Hernandez 5 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 3

Hello -

I have an example script that i am working on through a new course i am taking. I have attached the two files and when I select to preview in safari when in the index.html file it shows the actual text {{ sayHello() }} instead of the function listed in JavaScript.


Please let me know what I may be doing wrong or if it is not possible!




It looks like you need to include vue.js after the #app div. I changed the index.html file to this and it worked for me:
