Under review

Cannot edit anything

Ondrej Krajicek 3 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 years ago 1

I have run into a strange issue. Regardless of what I open and from where, I cannot edit anything. Textastic opens the files, but it just does not respond to any keyboard input. The application itself is responsive (I can change settings, etc.), but all files are - sort of - readonly. It does not matter if those files come from external folders, are live files or “local” Textastic files. Tried restart, reinstall and did not help. 

iPad, iPadOS 14.5

Under review


please check if you have "Read-Only" enabled in Textastic's settings -> Code Editor -> Keyboard. The text of the option is red if it is enabled.

See https://www.textasticapp.com/v9/manual/customization/settings.html#keyboard