Your comments

This is fixed for Textastic 3.1.

In the meantime, you can use this workaround:

Add the following line to your Apache config (httpd.conf):

BrowserMatch "^Textastic" redirect-carefully
I've implemented a textastic:// URL scheme for Textastic 3.1.
Rsync is licensed under the GPL, so I can't use it in an iOS app.

I think the creator of this topic meant a different feature: every app can register url schemes. For example, Textastic could register a textastic:// url scheme. This would allow you to use Safari to open files/urls with Textastic.

Texastic uses UIWebView which is basically an instance of Safari. So yes, HTML 5 is supported.

there are not all functions in the remote view when you tap on the pencil button because I haven't implemented those commands for remote connections yet. I might add them in the future.

I'll consider adding a delete command to the pencil button to delete a file.


Textastic 2.2.1 came with a syntax definition for SecondLife LSL. 

In Textastic 3.0 it's not built-in, but you can get a TextMate bundle from and add it to Textastic yourself:

I've found the link to this TextMate bundle for LSL in the following SecondLife forum thread: It seems to be well-maintained.

There is also another one in TextMate's SVN repository at