Your comments

They claim to approve 99% within 7 days.

The last update took only a day to approve. I've submitted an update for another app yesterday which was approved within 2 hours (!!). This update seems to take a little longer. It's still "Waiting for review", but well within the 7 days period.
If you *really* want to make sure that you get disconnected: if you change FTP settings and tap on the "Done" button in the connection configuration screen, all connections are closed so that the new settings are used the next time you connect.
Yes, I plan to implement something like this in a future version. Maybe depending on the current file context.
You don't need to. Textastic will automatically open and close connection as it needs to.

In settings you can set the maximum amount of connections Textastic uses. The default for FTP is 3.
LSL will be included out-of-the-box in Textastic 3.1
Is it currently possible to enter a non-breaking space in Textastic? (not in the search field)

Or do I have to do this on a computer?
Textastic 3.1 is now available on the App Store.

Hi Ted,

for Textastic 3.1 I have implemented a custom url scheme: 

In Safari, you can tap on the address bar and replace the http:// part of a url with textastic:// - as soon as you hit enter, Textastic will open and download this URL. 

I will submit 3.1 to Apple soon. 

See also
This is an issue in iOS 5. I will fix it in the next update.

This is fixed for Textastic 3.1.
I could fix this bug for Textastic 3.1.

There were a few issues at work here. The UI is now updated when you download a lot of files and I could fix a memory issue when directories are created.