Your comments


um JavaScript-Code auszuführen, muss die JavaScript-Datei von einer HTML-Datei über ein <script>-Tag referenziert werden. Wenn Sie dann die Vorschau für die HTML-Datei anzeigen, wird der Java-Script-Code ausgeführt.

Wenn Sie gerade die JavaScript-Datei geöffnet haben und die Vorschau öffnen, können Sie dort in der Adresszeile auch den Pfad der HTML-Datei angeben. Dann wird ab diesem Zeitpunkt immer die HTML-Datei angezeigt, wenn Sie die Vorschau für die JavaScript-Datei anzeigen.

Hmm, this never happened to me either. How are you opening the file in Marked 2? I always drag a file from somewhere on Marked 2's Dock icon.

Thanks for your suggestions, I do appreciate them. I was not aware that there are currently no beautify and minify tools for iPad and it would certainly be a good fit for Textastic.

Thanks for your feedback! I'll consider it for a future update.

It used to work, but I recently saw that at least in the latest iOS 11 beta it doesn't work anymore. I'll investigate.

Ok, so it seems to be a system-wide problem on your Mac. Maybe you could have a look at the Console app to see if anything suspicious is in the logs.

Other than trying a reboot, I do not really have an idea what might be causing this, sorry.

TextEdit uses the same mechanism to restore windows if the checkbox is unchecked in System Preferences.

Does TextEdit correctly restore windows?

Does a reboot help?

You can also try to delete the folder that contains the saved application state:

  • Close Textastic
  • Delete the folder ~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/Saved Application State