Your comments

It sounds like you haven't upgraded to Textastic 6 yet. The new version has support for iPhone X.

Is the file possibly stored in iCloud Drive and do you have the same file opened on multiple devices?

Können Sie bitte eine Beispieldatei hochladen, damit ich es hier testen kann?

Oh, please let me know whether this is fixed by the next beta.

Hello, thanks for letting me know. I currently do not run the beta - do you have a screenshot?

Not yet. I believe there was a separate app announced that could do it, but I cannot find it at the moment, sorry.

For Textastic 7, I plan to add the ability to open multiple files in tabs.

Between launches, Textastic will remember which files are opened in tabs. This means, that you can keep your set of files open and you do not even need to select from recent files.

Would that already help you?

I guess by distraction free mode you mean that only the editor and keyboard should be shown and toolbars and other UI should be hidden?

You can already set the column at which the text wraps if you disable the Auto Word Wrap setting. The text won't currently be centered though.


Textastic fully supports Chinese text encodings, but the automatic character encoding detection may sometimes choose the wrong encoding.

In this case, please try to tap and hold a file you want to open and choose "Open with Encoding". Then select the correct Chinese encoding and the file should display correctly.

You can see a screenshot of this menu in this topic of the manual: