Under review

Local files

moonshine 6 years ago in iPad updated 6 years ago 4

why aren’t  the Local Files from Textastic availabile under On My iPad in Files? 

Textastic stores local files in a so-called "application group container" - this was necessary so that Textastic 7 could seamlessly access files stored in Textastic 6. It's also necessary if I ever want to add a share extension that can access local files.

Unfortunately, the Files app currently does not support "On my iPhone" files to be in an application group container. I have reported this as an enhancement request to Apple, but so far this hasn't been implemented by them.

Thanks for explaining it. I understand... but... maybe give the user the option, whit Textastic 6 support or with "On My iPad" support ? 

Yes, it might complicate things a little... and I'm not even sure if there are other users needing/wanting this ... 

I'll leave it to you...

Under review

I think adding a file provider extension would work. Then it would appear as a new "Textastic" location in the Files app, not in "On my iPad".

that would work very well... 👍🏻