Your comments


you can add your own syntax definitions to Textastic using TextMate bundles.

There seems to be a TextMate bundle for Lasso at

Here's how to install it in Textastic:



The next update will work on 5.0.

You can already go to the top by tapping on the status bar once. Tap twice to go to the bottom of the file.

The iPhone version does have gestures to move the cursor left and right:

The next update of will add this feature to the iPad version.

The next version will run on iOS 5.0.


can you please send me a screenshot of the exact text you entered? I couldn't reproduce it yet. Also, which theme are you using?


Alexander Blach

Yes, there is a default snippet active that replaces spaces with a tab. I'll remove it in the next update.

Yes, you can add it directly to your html file:

Please try to disable TextExpander in settings.